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Everything posted by eklavya

  1. 'u' is the mean of the sample population. it's either a given quantity, or you can calculate it easy. but do your own your bro
  2. high jump
  3. check mate
  4. neuro study
  5. wondering the same thing here. it's been almost a month and half, and i still haven't received my check. i hope they make it fast!
  6. yep, that's exactly how it's done. put yourself in their shoes, and ask how would you take an 'out of the blue' email from a prospective student. pretty sure you'd reply, because it's about helping someone out, and more than that, facilitating the transition to grad school. you can also tell the grad students you didn't meet 'hey, i met this and this person from the dept while i was there, but can you also kindly give your input on this concern i have', or similar. i am very certain they will take it normally, as some of them must have received few emails from other students this year, as well as in the past years. if there's a list of students already given in the website, there's no need to contact the POI asking for students' email ids - the POI might actually raise eyebrows when you say such. if you feel odd, you can first email the folks you met while you were there, and ask them to forward the emails to those who you didn't meet. this might make the transaction little more smoother. and of course, congrats on the acceptances!
  7. the internet here is usually unlimited... buying packages of certain sizes (say, 4GB data/month) is very very rare, unless you are buying it from a cell phone company. but even they have unlimited internet packages, but is very expensive. most apartments will provide you free internet (once you start searching for apts, you'll see that they will say the internet is included in the rent price), while some might charge you a nominal fee - usually around/less than 10$/month. if you rent a space with no internet (usually houses, basements, etc), then you most probably will have to buy the internet yourself. in this case, you can expect to pay anywhere from about 20$ to 50$/month, depending on what kind of speed you want. usually the 'normal' internet hookup is pretty fast - the one i am using right now from comcast (an internet provider company) gives 12mb speed, and it runs about 22$/month. also, if you live in a house or apt with other people and you are not provided with free internet, you can always split the bill... the cost might come down to around 5$/month, depending on how many occupants live in the house/apt.
  8. pink toy
  9. general public
  10. A friend of mine goes to Purdue, and he is a family man (wife, 2 kids). He was telling me that he pays about 600$ for rent, and there are other costs. Because West Lafayette is a small town, you will probably get by with ~350$ in rent, and groceries and other minor costs. So yes, it is doable. But I suggest you also ask current grad students in your department and find out all the details you need to know. Congrats on the acceptances!
  11. bare naked
  12. it's keep one, drop one. starting from above: rotten eggs
  13. hmm.. i gotta look up the shadow series then. i stopped after reading ender's. can anyone tell me how many books are in the shadow series? and if someone remembers the names, can you share that too? please? thanks
  14. easter eggs
  15. is giving gifts a norm in non-science areas? i have never heard of anyone in science (bio, engineering, computer, physics, chemistry, and similar fields) who's given gifts to their recommenders. probably we should start the tradition, but i don't think scientists would really care... at least my recommenders don't care for sure. to show our gratitude, all we do is express deep and cordial thanks. and that's it!
  16. cute dog
  17. haha.. this is seriously funny. sorry, not from your field, but had to comment on that one! fwiw, i have been waiting to hear from the as well. and i can feel i either won't or it'll be bad news.
  18. heart burn
  19. fat tummy
  20. ugly prince
  21. round house
  22. sand people
  23. pass fail
  24. c'mon, maniac - cut us some slack here! we do add some meaningful posts hither and thither every once in a while
  25. free hugs
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