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Everything posted by greencoloredpencil

  1. Yeah let's downvote someone for expressing their opinion exactly in the way the topic called for. The topic asked me for my least favorite philosopher and I honestly answered with Plato. Thanks guys.
  2. Thank you as well as everyone else who has made similar points.
  3. I'm just going to ignore the little part I made bold and say grape juice. I have quite a thing for grape juice.
  4. This is probably the one thing I'd most want to change about this process--timely rejection notices if a school is sure that it isn't going to admit you.
  5. That's what I was thinking. Unless it's just that they're incredibly rude and don't care to even inform those who didn't get in, or at least not in a timely manner.
  6. I particularly like this graphic. It's very helpful, thanks!
  7. My remark was meant to be lighthearted, to clarify. Of course I don't think that one's mention of drinking indicates that she or he is an alcoholic.
  8. It was clear in your follow up post but I didn't catch it from your first one. People do in fact express that opinion so it's hard to tell, especially from just reading text
  9. One might have a medical reason or condition that prevents her or him from drinking. Another reason might be that one sees no appeal in it. One might not like the effects of alcohol, nor the taste, nor the places and social settings it tends to be served in. EDIT: Also, why would someone choosing to abstain from drinking strike you as illogical? I'd assume that one has a reason for choosing to abstain. Maybe this reason might turn out to be illogical or bad, but there are plenty of solid reasons why one would abstain that are not illogical.
  10. I was getting so worried that all my peers would be alcoholics! Good to see someone else who won't be drinking
  11. Perhaps UCSD will release offers next week? This week might be a little early. I'd sure like to hear from them now...
  12. Try again next year, and next year, and next year.... I only have a plan A.
  13. I agree with what you've said. Perhaps I worded my question poorly since I didn't mean to suggest that I thought it was ever likely to be admitted to any given program. What I meant was something more like the following. Given that Berkeley has made offers and I was not one of them, is it now highly likely that I will not be admitted (the likelihood of being admitted is less than it was to start with). The answer to this seems to depend on Berkeley's admissions procedures. Do they have a second round of offers, do they have a waitlist, etc
  14. Is it reasonable to expect that those of us that didn't hear from Berkeley are likely not going to be admitted? Does anyone have any more information on how their department goes about giving offers? Is there more than one round of offers?
  15. I took analytic in a historical sense but you do make a good point that there could be several interpretations of this. I was thinking the philosophy of Russell, Frege, Wittgenstein among other 20th century analytic philosophers.
  16. I can't listen to music while reading. I find that it distracts me since I'll end up focusing too much on the music. In fact, when I listen to music it's always something I do by itself, not jointly with another activity.
  17. I'm interested in philosophy of math! However, it's not quite a central interest of mine. I'm not sure why I didn't select it, maybe it wasn't there at the time. As for your question I don't know for sure but I can't see it harming you unless perhaps no one in the department ever really works in that area.
  18. Oh I know it's just taste...I just couldn't let you get away with saying late Wittgenstein is the best Wittgenstein
  19. I like all of Wittgenstein but I'm tempted to disagree with you. I really love the tractatus
  20. I was unaware that doing something besides thanking your letter writers was an established practice...
  21. I'd like to say a little more since my original post was just too boring. Historically I'd probably say Wittgenstein. I'm really into analytic philosophy, particularly early analytic philosophy. So, most of my favorite philosophers of all time come out of the 20th century--I'm simply enamored with a lot of work from that time. I also really love Frege and Russell. Another 20th century figure I quite like is Anscombe. Though, in addition to these more modern philosophers I do have a soft spot for Descartes too, especially since he was my first love when I first discovered philosophy! As for contemporary figures I'd probably say Hilary Putnam, Saul Kripke, or Tyler Burge.
  22. This might be a silly question to ask at this point in most of our studies but do you have a favorite philosopher? I'd have to say Wittgenstein is mine.
  23. If I get in: be excited If I don't get in: be disappointed (In case you're wondering I cannot consume alcohol.)
  24. What are your interests? I'm also interested in highly analytic fields, mostly philosophy of language but also I'm especially interested in the history of early analytic philosophy, especially Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein.
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