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    UT Austin, English Ph.D.

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  1. quick note: if you don't have the funds to pay the tuition bill upfront, you can take out a short-term loan from UT for the full amount and then pay it back near the end of the semester after you've gotten paid. I think you end up paying like ~$20 in interest. I've done it both semesters and have had no issues. So don't let that be the reason you turn down UT : ) more here: http://www.utexas.edu/business/accounting/sar/il.html
  2. Just FYI, I believe Pericles (one of my earliest and most intense prof. crushes, btw) has left New Haven at least temporarily to head up the new Yale-NUS College in Singapore.
  3. The University of Texas at Austin for me! I feel weirdly calm. it's really over
  4. ...sorry, this whole decision-making process has made me a little wild-eyed.
  5. aeplo, I could not agree with you more. UT wasn't even really on my radar until the visit weekend, which changed everything for me. I'd done a couple other visit weekends and, while everyone was perfectly nice and friendly, at UT they seemed to have actually taken the time to familiarize themselves with my application and interests, and they were able to speak about how I, specifically, would have a great time there - not just how some generic student might fit into the department. I've been getting a lot of pressure from my advisors to choose one of my other schools, but I think my mind is pretty much made up for Texas. It's like you said -- I think I really do want to be the kind of scholar UT produces, even if that means giving up some of the prestige (and even maybe some of the placement opportunities). I want to have fun! And to be in a place where people are enjoying themselves! Is that so crazy? And I was also impressed by how UT seems to be so dedicated to equipping its students for successful careers, whatever that career looks like -- like every other humanities grad student out there, I already know that my chances of getting a tenure-track job are extraordinarily slim. It's what I'm aiming for still, but if that doesn't work out for me, I want to know that I have other options and that there is nothing shameful about pursuing them. Forgive my slightly inebriated ramblings! I'm battling my advisors at the moment over the decision, so I'd love hearing people's impressions of the visit/school.
  6. Hey, does anyone know when the visit weekend is/was? Just wondering when we can start hoping for some movement on the waitlist.
  7. @joega - Frances Ferguson, Richard Halpern, Amanda Anderson.
  8. So my question is about Johns Hopkins' English program specifically, but I would appreciate any advice/relevant info. I got an email from the DGS there letting me know, for visit-scheduling purposes, that three faculty members (out of 12) are leaving after this year. That seems like quite a few people to lose, and also makes me wonder a little bit if there's some reason why they're leaving (though I know it could very well just be normal turnover + coincidence). I've asked some of my current profs about it and have gotten very mixed responses -- all have still recommended Hopkins very enthusiastically, but have also implied that this might be an uncomfortable transition time and that I should tread carefully in my decision-making and also ask lots and lots of questions. What kinds of things do I ask, though? And how can I do that super tactfully, just in case there is something happening that I'm not aware of? Is this a normal thing for a department to be going through, or are my concerns legitimate? Has anyone had a similar experience?
  9. Hey everyone - I know there was an earlier conversation about funding (and perhaps teaching obligations?) somewhere in this thread, so sorry if this is a repeat question. UT seems to require a LOT of teaching, much more than most of the private universities I've seen. In some ways that seems like a plus to me, or at least not a negative, as I'm excited to teach and want to gain as much experience as possible. But I do worry about balancing coursework and eventually dissertation-writing with that kind of schedule. Does anyone else have experience TA-ing in the first few years, whether at UT specifically or in a similar context? How much should this factor into a final decision? EDIT: Sorry, ahh, I don't mean to sound at all insensitive by posting right after people have received bad news. I was just curious to see what others think about this.
  10. Thanks effess Unfortunately, it was as I feared. Waitlisted.
  11. No call. This has been a rough day. I'm having a hard time not taking it personally -- at least the other schools never had a face-to-face meeting with me. Stanford, this sucks!
  12. At least some waitlist notifications are definitely out. I got mine a day or two after the first acceptance was posted. It does seem strange that there aren't more up there, though.
  13. Ahh, where'd you see that, hazelbite? I haven't heard anything.
  14. Apparently they were closed today. Now I feel dumb for panicking all afternoon.
  15. This is NOT an acceptance post, so please don't die. I'm just wondering who else on the boards interviewed, and if you asked your panel or have heard anything more about the decisions timeline. I know the original email said they would be making decisions after interviews ended on the 22nd -- I'd just love to know which day of this week or next I should plan to spend glued to my phone. (Since I spend so much time away from it as it is.)
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