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    2014 Fall
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  1. Faulty, are you applying for PhD track only, or would you consider a terminal MA?
  2. Congratulations!! So excited for you!
  3. Eco, I agree with CulturalAnth. It sounds like option 1 would be the better environment for professional growth - especially through teaching experience - and that's what's going to really matter when you're eventually out on the job market. I've had a couple of friends who went with the more prestigious option and were really lamenting the lack of support and development they could have gotten with some of their other options. I chose a smaller, lesser-known, but incredibly supportive option for my MA and haven't regretted it for a second. The network of support made all the difference, and I'm so glad to have had a completely positive graduate experience thus far while others I know have had their progress hindered by competition or department politics.
  4. Thank you so much for the info, ecologaia! I'm really trying to get as many impressions of the program as possible
  5. After 4 rejections I was contemplating alternative careers, then today I find out I'm accepted to UNC Chapel Hill and waitlisted at Tulane!
  6. Same here. Le sigh
  7. Sorry to those who got rejections! Where are you seeing your status online - was it somewhere in the applyyourself application portal, or did the e-mail link to somewhere else?
  8. I have a couple of friends who got MA's in Latin American Studies and went on to be accepted at top anthro programs for their PhD's. Like pears said, just try to keep your coursework in the anthro vein, and definitely approach your thesis within an anthropological framework.
  9. Does anyone want to claim/give more details on the couple of Tulane acceptances posted since yesterday?
  10. I'm also waiting on three schools - Tulane, SMU, and UNC-Chapel Hill. My POI says final decisions for Tulane should be made next week. I don't know what's going on with the other two.
  11. Haha! Thanks for letting me know, now I'm even more curious since I assumed all the archaeologists were getting radio silence
  12. Are there any archaeology applicants who heard from UNC Chapel Hill? I didn't get anything with the wave of results the other day, so I'm wondering if archaeology is just running behind...
  13. Not sure how many of us are still waiting to hear from Tulane, but apparently it may be another couple of weeks before they finalize the archaeology choices
  14. Thanks for passing along the info!
  15. Sorry to hear that, Forsaken
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