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  1. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from gr8pumpkin in the real poison in academic philosophy   
    youd be doing me a favor. these people are awful. its terrible that philosophy attracts such awful personality types.

    im looking forward to studying and publishing on my own. me alone im better than fancy-pants faggot earning his funded MA

    PS blow me
  2. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from ModalFictionalist in the real poison in academic philosophy   
    is idolatry.

    I suppose I have had an implicit understanding for sometime, and feel as though it has finally surfaced into something explicit.

    thestudy of philosophy (love od wisdom, ya) is a historical movement towards truth. but what do we find it has become instead? primarily idolatry.

    what do we find the most successful academics doing? research and commentary on historical and contemporary figures. there is value in this, but as a means to an end -- not as an end in itself.

    at worst we elevate our favorite idols as authorities in philosophy.there are no authorities in philosophy. only gifted contributors in this historical movement.

    but we idolize them and put them on a pedestal and, implicitly, understand that we are not their equals.

    we idolize them andforget that we have the capacity to think for ourselves.

    and when one is courageous enough to think for himself, we are contemptuous and hold him in disdain. and so we stifle originality and innovation. for our cowardice and our idolatry.
  3. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from MongooseMayhem in the real poison in academic philosophy   
    there arent really a lot of women publishing decent philosophy because the smartest ones are housewives.
  4. Upvote
    dfindley got a reaction from riverscuomo in what my application looks like   
    I have a diamond in my bowels.
  5. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from Vardan_Mkhitaryan in 2014 Applicants   
    I think 'all of it' is a pretty damn good answer, philophilosopher. Why are you so overconcerned with what other people might think?

    Damn them. You do it for yourself, no? Did you know the chair of the Phil department at MIT reports his primary interest as 'metaphysica of color'?

    Do you know how utterly dumb that is? Might as well discuss the metaphysics of sweet and sour.

    --but he does it anyways-- . I am so proud
  6. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from Vardan_Mkhitaryan in 2014 Applicants   
    pfft word limits are for dolts
    I sent the same two-page SOP ignoring that non-sense
  7. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from Vardan_Mkhitaryan in what my application looks like   
    How is it you can speak with so much authority?
    And then, further, how has it come about that graduate school for philosophy has become a job-- instead of an opportunity for blossoming philosophers to study, research, and refine their craft?
    How reliable are stats, really? Because I hated my medieval ethics professor, because my modern philosophy professor was a complete fuck-ass, are the 'scores' that they gave really a reflection of either my capacity or my work ethic?
    What you're telling me is that committees evaluate you as a professional student less an actual philosopher. In fact, you're telling me that no matter how decent your work in philosophy is looking, it won't matter at all unless you're an exceptional student.
    I hope the authority with which you speak and the values that you project as standard give you a big boner as it inflates your sense of self
    You're corrupt and you make me sick
    so give the fellowship to the kid comparing Daoist and Kantian ethics you crooked hack
  8. Upvote
    dfindley got a reaction from murial in My latest paper; from my Physics   
    Ps you know who sucks is the lame who is even bothered enough by zizek to feel motivated enough to say ziZek sucks. You fell in his trap you both suck O_O
  9. Upvote
    dfindley got a reaction from Coggy in My latest paper; from my Physics   
    1772 SHANGRILA, KAPOLEI, HI; 96707
    Essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2014 Awards 
                                            for Essays on Gravitation
    I present a series of a priori principles to illustrate the ontological development of a system, qualify Space and Time transcendentally as SpaceTime, and conclude by illustrating that certain phenomenal elements in nature may bear strictly transcendental relations to each other, based solely on their ontology. As such, the nature of these relations would only be subject to rationale a priori, in contradistinction the common empirical method. These transcendental relations I term ‘Ontological’, and premise that gravity may prove just such a relation.
    A Priori Principles in Metaphysics;
    A) A singularity whole and complete in itself cannot serve as catalyst to change without external influence.
    In order for change to occur, there must be at least one primary, self-contrasting dichotomy that can unfold in terms of dialectical procession.
    C) The self-contrasting quality of such a primordial dualism, in dialectical interpolation, is simultaneously a complementary relativity.
    D) As the primary duality proceeds into dialectic, the structure of the system it perpetuates reflects its binary nature. Hence, duality is recognized as a primary principle governing the nature of the system.
    E) Such a primary duality serves as the ontological foundation for all series of change that proceed from it. Every stage of its dialectical procession exists within the context of the primary duality.
    F) Elements manifesting from the intercourse of the primary duality must all ultimately be ontologically derivative primarily from one aspect of the duality, and secondarily from the other; otherwise there must be neutrality.
    G) Ontological derivation simultaneously implies limited relativity; elements manifesting in the manifold will prove relative to eachother in respect to the system in which they exist and the ontology by which they are derived.
                                              Qualifying the Transcendental;
    1) Space and Time, insofar they are natural elements that are not subject to the empirical method, (their reality merely implied by the phenomenal,) are transcendental. Immaterial, they may be best described as the horizon through which the phenomenal may earn expression.
    2) There are two possibilities hereby implied: either Space and Time are or are derivative of two distinct transcendental entities; or they are both derivative as modalities from the same transcendental antecedent.
    3) In respect the theory of General Relativity, Space and Time are relative and simplified in their unification as SpaceTime. Accepting the possibility that Space and Time are ontological modalities derivative of same transcendental antecedent, we simultaneously explain the nature of their relativity and justify their unification in terms ‘SpaceTime’.
    4) In respect mathematical and geometric conceptualization of SpaceTime, it is a four-dimensional entity. In respect the transcendental ontology of SpaceTime, it is a modal dualism.
                                              Towards a Natural Philosophy
    1) The universe may be regarded as a system. The development of the universe as a system must be derived by at least a single dualism, which we may characterize as primary.
    2) It may be premised that the modal dualism of Space and Time, as they arise from their ontological antecedent, is the primary duality from which the universe, as a system, is derived.
    3) If the universe, as a system, is ontologically derivative of SpaceTime, it is simultaneously implied that the interpolation of this modal duality is the precursor to change and causality, (dialectic.)
    4) The binary development of the interpolation of Space and Time in dialectic would quickly unfold into Chaos.
    5) The manifold consequent SpaceTime dialectic would be subject to the a priori principles outlined above. We may therefore infer that certain elements within the system may bear relations to eachother based solely on their ontology.
    6) Such ‘Ontological Relativity’, though its effects empirically verifiable, would in itself prove transcendental – and consequently only subject to discovery a priori.
    The presentation of explicit principles a priori in regards the development of a system gives rise to a premise for ‘Ontological Relativity’, and suggests that certain phenomena may bear relations that, like Space and Time, are strictly transcendental in nature. This being given, it would only be via reason a priori that their natures be determined. Gravity may prove just such an example in this case.
    Just sent this out to most of my grad school committees (chairs and grad advisors.) Probably they'll read it.
  10. Upvote
    dfindley got a reaction from wildc4t in My latest paper; from my Physics   
    Ps you know who sucks is the lame who is even bothered enough by zizek to feel motivated enough to say ziZek sucks. You fell in his trap you both suck O_O
  11. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from marXian in Thoughts on language requirements   
    philosophy and language are two different things. if you have a reliably well translated text, with explanations when necessary, then it isn't necessary to study the mother tongue of that philosopher.

    if you want to spend your time squabbling over trivial nuances in diction or made up words, then you're a dumbass .
  12. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from shelbyelisha in Where do you want to move?   
    I applied to nyu. their site discussed the importance of the writing sample with more emphasis than usual -- even implying that a masters was only important if it enhanced your writing sample.

    so I sent my book and my latest edition of my natural philosophy (though that has a lot of work ahead of it still)

    I suspect that my 3.4gpa, average gre, and single letter of recommendation will be overlooked for the merit of my system. we'll see :OP

    what did your apps look like?
  13. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from sacklunch in Thoughts on language requirements   
    philosophy and language are two different things. if you have a reliably well translated text, with explanations when necessary, then it isn't necessary to study the mother tongue of that philosopher.

    if you want to spend your time squabbling over trivial nuances in diction or made up words, then you're a dumbass .
  14. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from bar_scene_gambler in Thoughts on language requirements   
    philosophy and language are two different things. if you have a reliably well translated text, with explanations when necessary, then it isn't necessary to study the mother tongue of that philosopher.

    if you want to spend your time squabbling over trivial nuances in diction or made up words, then you're a dumbass .
  15. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from alethicethic in Thoughts on language requirements   
    philosophy and language are two different things. if you have a reliably well translated text, with explanations when necessary, then it isn't necessary to study the mother tongue of that philosopher.

    if you want to spend your time squabbling over trivial nuances in diction or made up words, then you're a dumbass .
  16. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from SelfHatingPhilosopher in Thoughts on language requirements   
    case in point.
  17. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from shelbyelisha in Transcripts   

    I AM lazy and unprofessional

    ... >··<;; !!!
  18. Upvote
    dfindley got a reaction from Philhopeful in Thoughts on language requirements   
    case in point.
  19. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from MattDest in How are you guys waiting this out?   
    oh man wtfever

    you should be jealous my fallback is independent study in Thailand
  20. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from MattDest in How are you guys waiting this out?   
    I could go to Chang mail and hang out around a Tai chi school while I continue my study...........

    ..... only live once .....
  21. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from catwoman15 in How are you guys waiting this out?   
    gosh I hate moral philosophy

    without a proper metaphysic or theory of nature to ground a morality -- it is just baseless opining.

    you know Buddhism is more popular with the girls :Op
  22. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from shelbyelisha in How are you guys waiting this out?   
    oh man wtfever

    you should be jealous my fallback is independent study in Thailand
  23. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from shelbyelisha in How are you guys waiting this out?   
    I could go to Chang mail and hang out around a Tai chi school while I continue my study...........

    ..... only live once .....
  24. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from shelbyelisha in How are you guys waiting this out?   
    I decided to move to Colorado instead of Thailand. maybe that's kind of a mistake.. but the legal pot and cheap cost of living, (and the abundance of white people) make it an attractive option.

    I probably won't get a smoking hot wife like I would in Thailand .... maybe.... and my money would go further there...... but I might feel insecure about the visa situation ... I won't feel as secure in Thailand as in the US....

    ...but smoking hot babe guaranteed.

    ....I don't know what do you think??????
  25. Downvote
    dfindley got a reaction from samsales in How are you guys waiting this out?   
    no it isn't. what's wrong with you? ...maybe if you skip large portions of it is somewhat bearable..

    bet you'd like Stephen king. welcome to the 21st century Òooooooo
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