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Everything posted by ahimsa000

  1. Haha yeah I'm sure it is...well I'm waiting for my interview to happen at DUCOM next Monday, so we'll see. If I get in there, I might take the offer because it's only 16 months of a program and I like the curriculum.
  2. Hi everyone, I recently got an interview offer from DUCOM for their Biotech MS program. Since I have under a 3.0 (2.76), I know they are going to ask me about this. I also saw that interviews AREN'T part of the application process for this school. So I guess I'm a "different" case. I don't have a really good reason for my grades, but here are a few things that I felt lowered my GPA during college: -I worked full time because I HAD to (not a good excuse, but it was tough balancing everything) -In my senior year, I had a medical condition that affected my liver (not because I was a raging alcoholic) and it took a toll on me emotionally and physically. I failed my last class I needed to graduate, retook it, and got a C in it the second time it was physics! Anyways, there is a good trend in my upper div bio classes, I got mostly A's in these classes. The classes that really suffered were OChem and Physics. I also did really well in my lab classes (molecular bio, biochem, physio labs). I am really nervous about this! The interview has not been scheduled yet, but I plan on doing it next Monday because of my work schedule. Any advice on how to spin this low GPA thing would be great. I want to prove to them that I can handle the work now. I'm not going to work during graduate school, I've learned my lesson! Thank you!
  3. Yeah well now that DUCOM is kind of in the mix of things, I made a pros and cons list as well. I had lost hope with this school since it's so late in the application cycle. I really don't want to go to WSU or EVMS, so I'm definitely going to decline those offers. Leaving me with only the HES option, and until I hear back from JHU, DUCOM, UCI, Penn State and UMass Boston, it's all up in the air! Anyways, zlwjoe: I think you should take Georgetown's offer! I heard that they have a good program, I didn't bother applying because I feel like I'd get rejected right away. Congrats though!
  4. Hey scienceFAYM, thanks for your reply. I will definitely prepare and look up some questions that school interviews generally ask. This school has a lot of pros on my list, so I do hope my interview goes well. Thanks again. SR
  5. Hello all, So I've been asked to do a Skype interview for DUCOM (Drexel) for their Biotech MS program. I'm pretty nervous about this, as I have a low GPA (2.76) and I know they will ask about it. I also get really nervous when I talk about my research interests and experience. Somehow, I manage to get most jobs I interview for, but I have never had a school interview and I'm really worried I will do poorly. Any advice on the matter would be much appreciated. What kind of questions will they ask? I should definitely wear a blazer and blouse since they will see that, right (stupid question)? Thank you for your help! SR
  6. Ok I just got an interview offer via Skype for DUCOM's biotech MS program. (Drexel University College of Medicine) Excited? Yet kind of nervous, I know they are going to ask about my bad grades.
  7. I got an interview offer via Skype for Drexel's biotech program! :)

  8. My official plan is to do the HES program, if I don't get in to JHU...I'm declining the other offers now!
  9. Which other one are you referring to? I know you said JHU has a high acceptance rate, but does Georgetown as well? I feel like it won't matter, as long as you do well. It also depends what you want to do after the Masters. Do you want your PhD or to go straight into the industry? I feel like I want to work for a year after, and then be applying to PhD programs in Biotechnology for the year after.
  10. This is awesome, it works for all other fields as well! Thank you
  11. Wow! That gives me some hope because EVMS is about 50% and Worcester is 68%...we'll see what happens. Plus the two schools said they required a 3.0 undergrad GPA, but clearly, mine is under, so they must have some exceptions based off of other stuff on my resume. One thing I'm kind of worried about for JHU is the fact that they don't take letters of recommendation. I have 2 really strong letters from really influential people in the science world (one other from a paramedic lol) and I felt that helped me get in to the other schools. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next few weeks. I think I'm going to decline EVMS and WSU and stick with HES if I don't get into JHU, but if I do get into JHU, then it's a battle between that and HES for sure!
  12. If you don't mind me asking, what date did it say on your app that it was completed?
  13. Wow, just kidding, they must have updated this a few hours ago, they did receive my transcript as of today (4/10). It's so weird/annoying because my tracking updates told me someone signed for it on April 1st. I don't know if I even have a slight chance now!
  14. @zlwjoe (sorry for messing up your name in my other post) how funny, I applied on 3/24 too! I guess I have yet to find out, it says on the website that they don't have my transcript but I ordered it on fed ex over night from UCI on March 29, still haven't updated my app. I know for sure they got it because I ordered tracking on my transcript (crazy, I know). I also emailed the admissions office about it, and no reply just yet. Wondering what I should do about it...
  15. And @zwljoe...I applied to JHU recently, so I doubt I got in! Congrats I think JHU's program is great, and you can take it full time if you wanted, I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere on the website.
  16. Haha to be honest, I was having trouble finding cons for HES...I am leaning towards this program, but of course, my parents and others around me want me to make these lists to make the best informed decision. I will probably go with HES though! It is my decision at the end of the day.
  17. Can't believe it! I got in to two schools!

  18. Hi everyone, I lost all hope with admissions since I wasn't hearing back when everyone else was, and now the unimaginable happened: I've been accepted into two programs for my Master's in Biotechnology. I eventually want to get into a PhD program for Biotech, but with a 2.76 undergrad GPA, I figured a Master's first would definitely help me get there. Anyways, I was accepted into EVMS (Eastern Virginia Medical School) and Worcester State University both for the Master's in Biotech in Fall, 2014. I am also considering Harvard Extension School (HES) for their Biotech program as well. I've come up with a pros and cons list for each school and I'm having trouble deciding which one to go with. At this point, I'm doubting I'll get into the rest of the schools I've applied to (Drexel, Penn State, UCI, and Johns Hopkins-lol). Harvard Extension Biotechnology Master’s Program Pros Harvard name Management concentration Tuition is about $28,000 for the whole program (on a course-by-course basis) Thesis requirement (for prospective PhD) Boston location has several Biotech firms in the area Cons Not an acceptance just yet-have to pass three admissions courses with B or above Living in Boston: cold, expensive First 3 courses are out of pocket (no Federal Student Loans available) Worcester State University Biotechnology Master’s Program Pros Tuition is around $30,000 for 2 years (on a yearly basis) Thesis requirement Admission is guaranteed as long as 3.0 (B average) is maintained throughout program Cons Not a good ranking (68% acceptance rate) Part time No management concentration Eastern Virginia Medical School Biotechnology Master’s Program Pros Location is nice and safe 16 month program total Admission is guaranteed as long as 3.0 (B average) is maintained Cons Tuition is $56,000 for out of state U.S. citizens Courses are mostly lab-based (not so much theory) No management concentration So, any opinions? Thank you very much for reading this. SR
  19. Not sure yet, I'm going to wait to find out if I got in anywhere else and then make a pros and cons list for each school, including HES, and see what is my best option!
  20. I just got acceptances into Worcester State University and Eastern Virginia Medical School (for Masters' program). I'm in a state of shock.
  21. I GOT INTO EASTERN VIRGINIA MEDICAL SCHOOL for my MASTERS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY! I HAD GIVEN UP JUST A FEW DAYS AGO!!!! :) :) we'll see if I get funding, but yeah I'm stoked.
  22. I've decided to go with the program...regardless of where I get in (I have 2 more schools to possibly get rejected from) so I'm just going with HES. I need to prove myself to the AdCom for my PhD application, and will work my ass off to get there! I'm really excited...slightly nervous but excited to start a new journey! Thanks for all the support and posts on this thread! I will probably start in the Fall this year with my admissions courses. Thanks again!
  23. HKSai, There is no GRE required for the program, at least the one I'm interested in...not sure about acceptance rate either.
  24. Thanks so much for that MastersHoping... I'm just going to wait to see if I get into anywhere else with some funding, if not, HES is where I'll be! I'm actually not bummed out about my rejections anymore...now I have the chance to start fresh and do well before applying to a PhD program.
  25. Well I just wanted to know everyone's opinion on HES for pursuing my Masters, since my undergrad experience does not show that I'm a motivated learner. If I don't get in anywhere else, I will do the HES program, and continue elsewhere to finish my PhD, hopefully somewhere reputable.
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