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Posts posted by Awin

  1. I have no dog in this fight, but I thought I'd point out that Awin was pretty clearly reacting to RockDenali's point about "community college students who are brighter than UCI English undergrads", not to your comments.

    Yes, thank you. I don't think there is any reason to base your estimation of any person's intelligence on where they did or did not go to school, or even if they did at all.

  2. Hmm, I'm not sure you'll find something that includes appliances, allows medium-sized dogs, and is nice (as you've described nice) for under $800. I see a few nicer 1br apartments with appliances/decent square footage for $1000, but they don't allow dogs.

    [quote name='byronlover'

    timestamp='1300672531' post='227772']

    Hey all! I, too, will be moving to Iowa City at the end of the summer. Anyone know of a nicer apartment complex that allows medium-sized dogs in the below-$800/mo range? By "nicer," I'm implying newer fixtures, washer and dryer included, a large bedroom, and hardwood floors (maybe). Maybe it's too much to ask? Any advice on housing would be appreciated, though.

  3. After reading your blog, I'd say your proper home is with us rhetoricians, compositionists, and applied linguists. Ditch literature. Academic literary studies is nothing but a giant circle jerk. Do you really want to be someone who can crack a joke about "The Laughing Medusa" or talk for more than two minutes about post-colonial queer theory's relation to contemporary Caribbean poetry? Psh. Useless. The work you're doing has a place in the academy. Come on over to the rhet/comp pool. Water's nice and warm.

    Well, I NEVER! ;)

    Really, though, these are not failures. Even getting to this point is a giant accomplishment, and you should be proud of yourself!

  4. Thanks again for all of the inside info, byronlover. I have to say I don't understand the "no visiting day" routine though--it doesn't seem like a great finanical burden. Ah well. What do I know, eh? ;)

    The state's in a huge budget crisis and our new (old) governor is keen to strip anything he can from the public universities, so it's not surprising.

  5. I am sorry about your rejection. I have STILL not heard anything from Minnesota. At this point I am assuming a rejection, but I would still like to know for sure. Has anyone else not heard anything from them? I even e-mailed them about a week ago, but have received no response.

    I hate this game... I have not heard any thing from any of the schools I applied to, and am getting very anxious. :-/

    It'll be another two-ish weeks for Iowa at least, so don't be too anxious. :D

  6. I'm sorry! are you referring to the applyyourself page? I don't see any link on mine...still says sent to program.

    This season seems to be rough for everyone! I'm sitting on a few implicits but no official word from anyone.

    Yeah, it's on the applyyourself page - it JUST popped up within the last, say, hour, and the link is at the bottom. Form letter. Gee whiz, Minnesota! So I'm really hoping that my first choice - Iowa - comes through. Eesh.

    Congratulations to the folks who got/get in! :D

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