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Everything posted by Ardnas058

  1. LA traffic is not not so bad! + We have awesome weather!
  2. Has any1 heard anything new?
  3. Wow, anything after April is late! But I guess we have no other option...for those of us taht must wait until then! : /
  4. I am curious if you applied at the same time?
  5. Congrats! Were you one of the early birdies (Dec apps)?
  6. I too am freaking out about not being able to work for TWO YEARS! I've always worked since college so I'm panicking about it! I think that it the scariest part about al this for me. I figure I'll manage, but I keep thinking I want to find some time of job that requires minimal hours..at least for gas money to/from school and placements!
  7. No, it I am doing yoga stretch. I've done regular yoga in the past, but never corepower. I am stuggling with some back issues so yoga stretch is appropriate for this.
  8. I am volunteeering with an organizations that assists youth through the college admission process ex. helping students with the FAFSA application. I'm looking fwd to the yoga class! You should!!
  9. Yeah, I figured. They mentioned it during the information session.
  10. I am curios to know how everyone is handling the waiting period. I know there are similar posts in other forums, but since I mostly stick to the SW forum, I thought it would be nice to post one in this forum. I started volunteering. I also enrolled in a yoga class...figured yoga would be beneficial to my self-care .
  11. I got that famous email too!! :?
  12. I applied to UCLA & CSULB. Yes, UCLA is first choice. However, I would also be happy with CSULB.... Staying positive and hopefiul!
  13. Oh, wow! Early response... Congrats! Did u apply for a fellowship? Is UCLA your first choice?
  14. Working... browsing Netflix... Finished watching The Walking Dead (awesome show, btw) ... Reading... Yoga.... Grrrr!
  15. Do any of you know when UCLA will start letting us know?
  16. I attended an info session...They asked that we state whether each job was part or full-time. So, I added that on my resume. I don't recall if they mentioned how many years of work experience they look for, but they did stress wrk experience. I have a total of 5 years in counseling and case management w/in MH.
  17. One of them attached a letter to the form. I received an email, but because I didn't include all ref forms, the email stated that they won't review my app until all forms are in.
  18. Did u all submit all reference forms with your app?
  19. Submitted yesterday...waiting
  20. I am also working on mine.. giving myself the same deadline.
  21. Have you submitted LB's app?
  22. Waiting... Decision Pending
  23. Sounds like they received it, but has not yet been reviewed. I don't think you should be alarmed over that. If you recently submitted your app, they will prob take a bit longer to provide a response. In any case, u should call to verify, if that will ease up your verves.
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