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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall

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  1. Wanted to follow up on the question about listing POIs in your statement. Has anyone found success or does it come off cloying?
  2. Congrats jpn809! I think Columbia is really turning around in terms of reputation, but it is still very expensive. If your heart is set on Yale, why not reapply next year? But -- I think -- you have to really weigh how much you want to go to Yale vs. how much you want an MFA. Yale takes so few people a year, it's quite random. You could reapply again and again and not get in, and perhaps some other really wonderful schools would be a good fit, too ... You have to go with your heart, I think. It would be hard to be paying a lot of money to be at Columbia and wondering the entire time about somewhere else. Good luck!
  3. @owlwhale1 -- I think general questions about you, your path to playwriting, what your inspirations are ... those will probably be asked. Be prepared to talk about the play you submitted, too. As for questions for them: I would be curious how the Annie Baker/ Brendan J-J subbing in for Tina Howe will work, and what that class structure will be. I believe Arthur Kopit is the other playwriting faculty they have, who will be staying on next year.
  4. @mcw98 -- Yes, I am a current semifinalist. I believe they will be making the next cut very soon. Sorry it didn't work out on your end. Are there any current NYU students on here? Wondering if anyone has gone through the program or knows someone who has ...
  5. @theotherlily -- Juilliard is reading on a rolling basis and (as far as I know) notifying and interviewing semifinalists this month, so it's quite possible you will still hear from them. I was told that all finalists will be notified by the beginning of May. Hope that helps!
  6. Anyone else get an official Brooklyn College rejection?
  7. Tate! This is amazing news. Congratulations. So cool! And nice that you had decided on that program anyway and now can rest easy with money. Cool!
  8. Hi all -- I was accepted to NYU but with no funding (at the moment, at least) so I don't think it is going to be an option for me, sadly. Onto the next!
  9. Congrats annabananaphone! I have a question for you -- just sent you a PM.
  10. Interesting ... I've sort of given up hope at this point but I guess you never know!
  11. Hi All. Wondering if anyone has heard anything from Brooklyn College? Is it at all possible they still haven't contacted people yet? Seems unlikely but ... Tate -- thanks for the info. Is is correct that Michener, with their stipend, does not make you teach any classes?
  12. Congrats nightbird and tate! So proud of everyone on here who is doing so well! Tate, do you have a sense of which you'd prefer if the funding were the same, or at least nearly the same?
  13. Wow -- congrats Incognito! That's amazing!
  14. Zissou, I'm so sorry to hear this.
  15. Hi All: Just heard back from The New School -- all interviews have gone out. Feeling pretty disappointed as I had high hopes for this school and have been really impressed by the alumni they have been turning out. Sort of feeling just ... bleh.
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