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Everything posted by lucerovespertino

  1. No clue... I was wondering the opposite thing - whether research is considered more valuable. I'm on my third year of teaching ESL, and although I'm about to finish my MA, I have 0 publications and have done no research other than what was required as my capstone project for my master's program.
  2. I'm in the same boat! Most of my deadlines were in December, but I haven't heard anything yet. AHHHHHH.
  3. Hi, Everyone! I've been teaching in English in Puerto Rico for three years and applied to 7 Ph.D programs in the east coast (well, except for Vanderbilt). Haven't head from any yet, which has me pretty bummed. I got my BA in English Lit at UVa and then did my MA in Puerto Rico (ESL). Good luck to everyone! Hope we hear back soon!
  4. I haven't gotten any interview requests yet. Seems like Harvard, UPenn, and Vanderbilt already sent all of theirs out, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the other four on my list. Good luck on your Vanderbilt interview, @jackinstyle!
  5. Just scroll to the top. The header bar should have a link on it that says "Results Search".
  6. Did anyone here apply to Johns Hopkin's new Ph.D? I thought it started last fall with the 2013 cohort, but then on the website it says the program will begin fall 2014.
  7. Ahhhhhh. So basically it's unlikely that I got in, but my hope will continue to linger on for another month or so.
  8. So all the interview invites have definitely been sent out?
  9. I would love to know. I applied as well and am getting nervous...
  10. I wasn't aware they had a blog. Seems like I'm out, then... I didn't get an interview invite
  11. I guess I'm just afraid to call because then if the news is bad, I'll know for sure I didn't get in. I hate the not knowing, but I'm scared of knowing too
  12. So I guess we can we assume all interview invites have gone out, then? I applied to the CIS program too.
  13. I saw someone got accepted into Harvard and UNC today, and I think another got an interview to Vanderbilt. No clue what concentrations, but still. Now I'm more nervous, lol.
  14. A couple of people got interviews and acceptances to Education programs today. Yikes!
  15. Doesn't seem like there are many of us on here. Care to say hi?
  16. I did. I didn't see any from my specific programs....
  17. Yeah... I don't know anyone who has applied to an Education Ph.D, so I have zero timeline references. My friend in Psych got notified in January, as well as my sister when she applied to law. My friend in Anthropology got contacted the first week of February. I've been searching the results from last year, but it seems like not a lot of people in the Education field use TheGradCafe. Just my luck! Trying to relax is not easy.
  18. I am.... 25 times a day, lol. That's what I'm talking about.
  19. Maybe I'm a newb, but I thought for sure that Ph.D programs didn't make any decisions until March. If anything, I felt a late February response was the best I could hope for. And yet I see toooooons of posts about decisions already up. I haven't heard from any of my 7 schools, and although I keep telling myself that no news is better than bad news, I'm getting increasingly nervous. Does this mean I'm waitlisted? Or do different programs have different deadlines? I've only seen a couple of Ph.D status posts in my field (Education), so maybe they take longer?
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