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Everything posted by Jocko

  1. I wanted to reply to the first post-- there seems to be serious confusion about the GRE scores in the previous response. The 310 cut- off thing is based on the OLD scores, which range from 200-800. The new scores go from 130-170. It would be impossible to get a 310. I really don't think they care about the math score much. I've heard that programs look at your total score, but that is mostly aimed at more math based programs. Engineers need to be able to comprehend and analyze what they read, but English professors aren't required to know how to find the area of a triangle or evaluate spatial relations ( unless you do space theory, I guess). So, 168 is a pretty solid verbal score. The writing score is kind of a joke--If you wrote a decent theoretical analysis the readers probably wouldn't even understand it ( I think the programs know this as well). And a 3.7 UGPA isn't bad, either. You are definitely qualified for any graduate program available. The problem is many ( maybe even most) qualified applicants are rejected. So, your writing sample, LOR's and MOST importantly, your area of interest, focus and "fit" with the department are what will make the difference.
  2. Hey, I know there are people on this thread who applied to Irvine (Should I start a separate thread?) As far as I know, no one has had an offer from them. I was told that their meeting was Jan 21st-- the grad coordinator and admit chair made it sound like that was decision time, but maybe it was only the first of many? My transcripts were missing originally. They are in now, and as a result of my communication with Irvine about that matter, I was told there was interest (Yes, this is the alter ego of Dirty_Window--I keep forgetting my password, so I have multiple user names now). Anyway, this is my top choice for many reasons and I am so anxious about it. If any one has any inside info, I would love to hear i--even if it is just the result of a phone call or email.
  3. About that rubric: I had a bad undergrad GPA because I did care. I was at UW-Madison and had a 3.5 GPA. But my MA at Claremont was a 3.8 and my PhD work-- I went back to UW and made it to ABD, when I had serious health issues. I originally thought I'd go back to UW, but my advisor is gone and there is only one other professor I could work with (but her interest aren't a great match). At UW I had a 3.9. I also had a 169 Verbal GRE. But I wonder how they will view my leaving the PhD. Program at UW??? Anyone have any opinions on the GPA or not finishing my previous PhD. Work?????
  4. I applied to UC-Irvine, UPenn and The U of MN (English PhD.) So really, this is all about UC-Irvine, because there is so little chance at getting into UPenn and I don't really want to go to the U of M ( but my whole family is here and my dad is in poor health. ANYWAY, any info about these programs is super helpful. I know I'm qualified-- I had a 3.9 in my grad work at UW-Madison, I have a 169 Verbal for the GRE-- but I'm sure everyone else does too, probably along with a Nobel Prize or two. Any response is appreciated.
  5. Sorry about the typos-- I have a new tablet and I'm having a hard time hitting the correct keys.
  6. You might as well call. Like they will decide not to accept you because you called too many timrs? I !mean, don't give your name if you don't want to, but really, it isn't going to make a difference.
  7. I doubt all departments are meeting. The committee schedule is quite specific to the department. Yeah-- the grad coordinator for English was not helpful. He continually discouraged me from even trying to complete my application. But when I went over his head to the actual admission chair, the chair was totally willing to look at my application, even expressed interest in me. I mean, I specifically wrote that if they were not interested to ignore my request. So the fact that he overruled the grad coordinator and bothered to email me seems good, but I'm still afraid they will not consider me as seriously as others because of missing aspects of my app. Anyway, as the grad coordinator originally told me: it is MY respondibility to get stuff in and that's why I should have applied earlier!! ( This is after they send out an email warning applicants not to call the department until Feb. 1st about missing materials). Every other place I applied sent me emails about the completeness of my app. The application link for UCI is gateway.humanities.uci.edu/tracker.
  8. Sorry, I just got a new tablet, and typing is difficult-- so please ignore all the typos.
  9. I emailed him at the advice of the grad office. For some reason Irvine did not receive my transvripts. The graf coordinator told me it was too late, I shouldn't bother, they would NEVER review my app. So I emailed the admission chair, asking if he would consider my app. anyway. He wrote that he had seen my application and several membets of the committee were interested and disapointef my app. was not complete. He said he would review it even without the official transcripts, but he did add that "he had no ID if I will be accepted." So, the interest was good, but that last comment threw me. I'm going crazy, and I emailed him again today to see if the transcripts actually did arrive. But so far, no word. I guess CA is 2 hours behind. But this is the English Dept., so it doesn't reflect all of UCI, at all.
  10. Thanks everyone for the replies. I was kind of thinking if I don't hear anything in the next few days that is a bad sign. Plus I know my application was incomplete--although after a discussion with the admission chair he told me there had been interest so they were going to review it in its incomplete state. But I'm not overly optimistic right now.
  11. Hey, I was wondering if anyone happened to know how long it takes committees to notify those accepted after their final meeting. I know that UCI is meeting today--any ideas?
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