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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
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castiel007's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. So, we ppl are either waitlisted or rejected, with higher probability of former! Caltech's waitlist is probably toughest one to clear @to0r, thanks alot for the info.... looks like caltech EE likes chinese girls.
  2. @jnklvlh, u mean to say that many ppl are waiting for response from Caltech? I thought only a handful of people are waiting for decision notification!
  3. @nonameboy, If I am not wrong, the week has already 'ended' Does anyone here know any colleague/friend who has been accepted into Caltech's EE MS program this yr?
  4. @nonameboy, i hvnt seen any ms admits but hv seen number of ms rejects!!
  5. Nopes... still waiting!!
  6. @jnklvlh not yet... Dont know what caltech is upto this time around!
  7. anyone still waiting for MS results? Are all the admits/rejects already given away?
  8. I found the following comment on some other forum, abt some guy rejected by EPFL,......... "Perfect 10 and still no admit... This case reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio" P.S. - In India, GPA is evaluated out of 10.
  9. @greve... u mean we could have to wait for 10 more days?? :| :| :|
  10. May be they havent take ny MS students this fall.... Nopes, i didnt call. Just waiting for their mail.
  11. Did u try calling up the admissions team? Are they accepting any masters student this yr?
  12. Hey guys, do u know anyone who has got admitted into the Harvard Seas 1 year master's program? I have not seen even a single admit on gradcafe till date (though every yr, there are 3-4 Computer Science MS admits). The official site says that each year they admit only about 15 students for master's program (http://www.seas.harvard.edu/audiences/prospective-graduates/grad-data) Why do they have such a small program? It would had been better if they didn't have master's only program just like MIT EECS. I have applied to their 1 yr S.M. program. Since all the PhD admits are already out, I feel its a rejection for me. So should I contact the SEAS to know the results or just wait for it till mid march (which would be rejection anyways)?
  13. Looks like Stanford is doing it again - offering MS to rejected PhD candidates I feel all the MS candidates should have applied into their PhD program instead. Does anyone here has any idea about the MS intake last year? (i.e. for students who applied only to masters program only and NOT PhD). I cant see ny such admits on gradcafe.
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