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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Fulbright ETA Taiwan

Chandelier's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thanks so much for calling, even if it's not quite the answer we were hoping for. At least I can stop updating my mailbox every ten minutes now haha.
  2. I wish Fulbright had a FedEx-type tracking log so we could see where our individual countries were in their processes, like "Malaysia is still in committee" or "Zambia has moved to state department for approval, expect notification within two days".
  3. Can I just say that I really appreciate the community here? Even if I mostly just lurk it's nice to take part in a forum like this, so thanks all! You make waiting a little bit better. As for times, I heard from Taiwan at around 4:30 last year. I'm not sure if the times are consistent though. Would anyone be up for calling/emailing the person in charge of Taiwan? Maybe we could get a better sense of if we should be expecting anything this week or if we'll have to wait for next week.
  4. I feel the same way. I think this application cycle has been a lot more stressful for me. I wasn't very worried about last cycle because I applied on a whim and honestly thought I was going to get the grant (that senior year feeling of invincibility ((stupidity)) I guess?) Anyway, Fulbright knocked me flat on my butt, which in my case was very much needed. But now I've put a lot more thought into my application and I've done a lot to supplement the application. Even though I think I've put together a much stronger application, I'm terribly anxious because putting all that thought into my application made me truly understand why I wanted this grant. I also don't want to tell my family and friends bad news again (they're just as excited for my recommendation as last cycle) and I really don't want to tell my FPAs bad news again. They've been fantastic throughout the last two years and last year although we had about 10 people recommended we didn't have a single person win the award.
  5. Hi guys! I guess I'll check in. I lurked around these boards last year and it was nice to know people shared my hysteria. I'm also an ETA candidate for Taiwan. I was recommended last year, but ultimately not selected. I'm reapplying this year with (what I think is) a stronger application, and I've been recommended again. I can confirm that there is no interview for Taiwan ETA candidates. Last year we were notified of decisions around the 2nd week of April. The notification times vary based on program. For example, some European countries are notified in early March, some like South Korea ETAs are usually notified late March, and Chinese and Taiwan programs are usually late April to early May. Good luck all! Don't stress out now, we still have two and a half more months to wait
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