Every admissions cycle needs a place for venting frustrations, emotions, feels, or whatever. This is the place for that. I'll start.
I've been playing this song a lot lately, and loudly. It makes me feel better:
p.s. Is there a better way to post video?
I'm almost tempted to email them. I won't... but I want to. Would be nice if some others had posted results. The mo' evidence the betta, as we philosophers of science say.
Do you have any notion of whether they've sent out any acceptances at this point? Sorry so many questions. I would relish the opportunity to work with Alan Love.
The fact that there's just the one Duke post seems to justify the retention of at least a glimmer of hope. I'd expect at least half a dozen or so if they'd released all of their acceptances. Maybe the mystery poster was nominated for a fellowship or some such thing.
Lazy, perhaps, but also brilliant, if RateMyProfessor is to be believed: