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Everything posted by dgswaim

  1. So, I've been at a conference in Indianapolis the last few days to present some work on the history and philosophy of biology that me and my advisor have been working on. Super awesome, super chill conference. The person that interviewed me from ND HPS was also there to present, and I got to chat with him a few times. At one point, he tells me that I basically almost got in, and that almost any other year I would have been admitted, but this year they had some weird issues with considerations over program composition. I really kind of wish he hadn't told me that. Now I will always wonder "what if...."
  2. Well, looks like the best I can hope for from Maryland at this point is another waiting list. BTW (fwiw), I don't know if anyone out there has gotten into (and is weighing whether to attend) UC Irvine LPS, but I've been at a conference with Kyle Stanford over the last few days and had beers with him last night, and dude is super cool. Seems like he'd be fun to work with and like he maintains a cool department atmosphere as chair. Kinda wish i'd applied......
  3. Anyone claiming UMD?
  4. Stathis Psillos gave a crazy good talk at the conference I'm at today. He just became one of my favs (already liked him a lot, though).
  5. Yes... and it's tricked me more than once. I don't know Matt Giles, but I don't like him.
  6. I feel like at least one of these waitlists has to turn into an offer. The probability seems to be mounting.
  7. Personalized. It was solicited.
  8. WL-ed at UC Davis. Gr.
  9. Charles Darwin, if I get to count him as a philosopher. Other than him... big fan of Nancy Cartwright, John Dupre, and David Hull. For more traditional "LEMM" philosophy, I enjoy EJ Lowe, John Bishop, Hilary Putnam, and Quine. For logic stuff Gentzen rules.I really like Jan von Plato, too. Proof theory rulz. Probably the most important philosopher i my intellectual development, though, is Bas van Fraassen. He "awoke me from my dogmatic slumber," so to speak.
  10. I don't weigh funding that heavily unless it's really bad funding, in which case it's obviously a strike against. Two years ago I ended up turning down an MA program that I really liked because the funding was like, insultingly bad.
  11. I have a feeling today is going to be a big day. Last time I had this feeling I got admitted to Cinci and waitlisted at Penn... so my intuitions might not be totally useless. Ok... they're probably useless... but still, I have a feeling!
  12. Not related: you should have called your WS paper "Dude, Where's My Mind?"
  13. Some weird, oddly specific examples there.
  14. Probably location. That's mostly because I'm married and have a kid and they deserve happiness too.
  15. Anyone here from the Indianapolis area? Gonna be there for the next few days presenting at a conference on scientific realism stuff (hopefully will be a nice distraction from constant email checking).
  16. I don't know. I hope they're not doing a snail mail thing, though. That's just torturous.
  17. Indiana HPS is sending out acceptances via mail, apparently?
  18. Ever been to Eugene? Insanely gorgeous.
  19. Maryland? British Columbia? Please?
  20. I was hoping it was a Street Fighter reference...
  21. I've done two Skype interviews this cycle. The first I was not prepared for, the second I was. Be prepared to answer questions about your writing sample and personal statement. With the sample, be prepared to defend it, but be flexible. They might have strong criticisms, and this is not an unmitigated bad. Try to recognize good criticism where it comes up. On the statement, be ready to carefully explicate what you mean where you've stated an interest. They might wonder what you're interested in more specifically, or they might wonder how some seemingly unrelated interests might intersect, in your mind. They're trying to estimate your fit to the interests of the faculty, so keep that in mind. Also, try to keep the computer camera at roughly eye level!
  22. dgswaim


    I think the main thing I'm looking for is to get a feel for how well I'd probably do working with the faculty members in my area. I have a great relationship with my MA thesis advisor and have had a great time working with him, and I've found that the quality of work that I produce is closely linked to my psychological health, and my psychological health is closely related to not having to deal with jerks. Probably the next most important thing (for me) is a generally relaxed atmosphere with respect to the graduate cohort. I'm not really into academic competition and one-upsmanship. I prefer a friendly and collaborative environment.
  23. Don't lose heart yet! Also, fuck moldy bread. Moldy bread is an asshole.
  24. Waiting lists are the bestworst. They're really pretty shittygreat.
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