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    2014 Fall
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  1. I would suggest calling Midwestern and speaking with an admissions representative (or email them). Definitely don't assume anything until you've spoken with the school and clarified.
  2. I wore a nice sweater and skirt, aka do look professional but you don't need to wear a suit (though don't be put off if most girls do). You'll be great!
  3. As I pursue a career in speech language pathology I am uncertain as to what I want to do once I have a degree. I love the educational aspects of speech, but the science area interests me as well. And then there's researh. I know that i don't really need to know just yet, but it would be helpful to focus my study and clinical expereinces...So what do you think? What interests you, and what have you learned about SLP and this vast field of study?!? There is so much room to grow and change and morph your goals and ambitions. Curious to hear from you all .........
  4. Waiting for grad school responses is like waiting for spring to arrive in Chicago-(currently a winter wonderland).....it feels like it will NEVER come! Seriously this winter, and the grad application process, feels like an eternity!

  5. I also applied to WKU online program for fall 2014. My concern is how prepared I will be for the profession- will I only be prepared for the educational setting? Also, has anyone heard from them yet or received any info? And what do you know about tuition fees and payment options. Any help/advice would be appreciated!
  6. Sorry to go off on a tangent but I see you applied to Monmouth; any response other than confirmation email?
  7. I would also really like to know about Touros speech program, and if they give generous scholarships because the tuition is very expensive. Also, do their graduates mainly work in the public schools? Are there graduates who work in hospitals or nursing homes? If anyone knows.......
  8. Thanks, that was really helpful and gave me food for thought!
  9. Thanks everyone! Sound advice, and it seems I have a lot of budgeting and calculating to do. Thanks again, and good luck to you all!
  10. Definitely do not stress out about clinical knowledge at all in terms of the actual interviews and the essay. What you can do is go to the ASHA website and look at what the news is in terms of graduate school education- the reason I suggest that is because it may give you some ideas about what to mention, like key terms- for instance technology is at the forefront of speech language pathology. Check out ASHA to remind yourself of other integral components of speech that reflect an understanding of the field, and show that you possess these qualities which makes you a great candidate. This is just a suggestion to give you an edge, but I am sure no matter what you'll do great! They are really nice and make you feel really comfortable!
  11. Grad schools are on my mind....

  12. Hi everyone! So as some of us still await responses from different speech programs, I have been mulling over finances and paying for student loans. I know that different schools arrange different payment plans, offer work-study programs, and may even give a few scholarships, but I was hoping that some of you may have some other ideas and suggestions in terms of paying for student loans/ grad school tuition. One can always hope, right? And, one of the programs I applied to is exactly what I am looking for but it is really expensive. I mean really expensive. So, what do you all think?
  13. Yea, when are all these schools going to get back to us? I'm checking my snail-mail and e-mail constantly!!!! We'll wait and see!!
  14. I am now awaiting responses from the programs I applied to- I am so nervous....

    1. arthritiskid


      ugh the wait is so nerve-wracking!

    2. a.m.20


      I know! Why oh why??

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