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Posts posted by kafcat

  1. Hi padthai234 and japaniia, I was certain someone else knew more about this than I. Thanks, japaniia, for that information! I'm a Sub Saharan recommendee and none of the SSA countries say what their benefits are, except to say it includes round-trip air, a monthly stipend, and medical insurance. Most of the countries also say there is an extra $200-$300 a month if you bring dependents. I started looking around and it seems quite hit-or-miss. Thailand didn't say anything on their web page. But Ireland gives the figure of 16,000 euros for everything.


    Yeah they tell you how much you will get when you are actually awarded, but other than that the fulbright pages of the respective countries should have something. But as you pointed out, some countries have it while others don't.

  2. how can we find the actual stipend amount for what our fulbright is = to in our country?

    Actually it says on the fulbright website of each country. For example., in the Fulbright España site, it said the stipend amount depending on the assignment. You should try looking it up like that, some countries do have it on the website.

  3. Sweetheart - and I call you that because over the last 6 months I have come to realize that you truly are a sweetheart - you have been accepted into YALE.  Apply for a Fulbright research grant while in grad school. You are going to go far and do great things. It's ok to be upset, but remember that this decision is not the full measure of who you are. 


    I was rooting for you. 


    That's exactly what I was going to say. Yale is a HUGE deal, which is why I think you could do the research grant instead. It could be life's way of saying  "you;re not meant for the ETA pos., you are meant for research!" 

  4. I've applied three times. I'm just going to cry in a corner now.


    Oh no :( !!!!!!!!!!!! My heart is broken!! I know that you and oiliou (I can't remember her username) are the two people who have posted on here the most and seem to want it so bad !!! :( Well, I hope one way or another you can achieve your dream :( Maybe you should try doing the research one instead and maybe you will have a shot? Augh, that sucks man. But seriously you should pat yourself in the back for reaching this far....not many people get through the first stage !

  5. Once again I got "tricked" by the Fulbright student blog update email. Current score:

    Fulbright student blog email 16.....Olivia 0. I'll beat you one day Fulbright student blog...one day.

    Are you subscribed to blogs from current fulbrighters? Maybe you can change your notification settings in the blogs so that you don't get an email every time there's a new entry on the blog. Don't torture yourself like that :(! Or you could also manually check them without being subscribed :)

  6. Looks like they got an early start this morning. Just heard that I was accepted as an ETA for Bulgaria! I've seen several other Bulgaria hopefuls on here, so wanted to get the news out quickly so people knew to check. Best of luck!

    Wow that is quite early.! It's 7:42 here in California! Congraaaats *pops open champagne bottle * keep the good news coming!

  7. japaniia, kp_jabalí, and yeloquehay--congrats to all of you for putting yourselves out there in this difficult process!! to japaniia and kp, how exciting to have been awarded a grant, and yeloquehay--it is an honor to be recommended to the final selection :)


    what will you guys be doing as your side projects??? 


    Sorry I had limited internet access and didn't have time to respond. My original project was to have an afterschool "blogging" sort of activity where I would teach students how globalization affects their community and have them blog about different aspects of their culture whether its music, politics, or society, and then pair them up with American students so that they can both learn about each other's cultures. At the end, they could have some sort of newspaper/article summing up what they learned. However, since I'm interested in border studies and migration, I'm thinking of adding something about migration in this club. 

  8. This made my day! Also, I agree 100% about the exercise. I've been going to barre (yoga/pilates/ballet) classes everyday and it really helps to take my mind of things. 


    Seriously Fulbright=hogwarts letter haha

  9. To all of you who have yet to hear...just try to stay cool and excercise a bit!! I know that helped me when I was in the same waiting train as you. I know you are all feeling like you are waiting for the Hogwarts letter to come hah



  10. I officially accepted the Fulbright offer to Spain today! Starting to finally feel like it's actually happening.


    How do I accept? I was placed in Madrid so do I email the person who sent me the email back? :)

  11. I agree with everyone here...this community is everything but rude/childish...I don't think..if by any chance Fulbright was snooping around here (which I doubt considering how much work they have with sending out notifications and all), they wouldn't penalize us for voicing out our frustrations. I don't think anyone is saying how much they hate Fulbright but rather how much they wish that they could hear back soon. The internet is never anonymous, but unless you're looking or posting things that would threaten national security or could scar your professional reputation, I don't think venting out on the grad cafe forums is a big deal imo. But who knows, people have different opinions regarding internet posting etc. I tend to be more open about these things, especially since this community has helped me stay sane. :) Super grateful I found this community otherwise I'd be in a fetal position in the corner of my room and twitching every time I hear the "new" mail sound on my Mac.  :rolleyes:

  12. Long-time lurker, first-time poster--got notified today that I'm accepted for a Turkish ETA! Where my Eurasian homies at?


    Also, does anyone have suggestions for general ETA blogs/websites/resources? I'm suuuuper excited, but would also like to know more about what teaching English in a foreign country entails!


    Congrats!!!! What I did was I googled " Fulbright ETA Spain blogs" and a lot of them came out, and that's how I know a little bit about what to expect. You can probably find out about the Turkish ETA program by doing the same thing! :) 

  13. Hi there, I'm just joining in the conversation but I'm thinking of applying to this fellowship for next year. I heard rumors that they are cutting funding for the social sciences NSF, is it true? I'm hoping to go into a PhD or a masters so just trying to figure out my chances of getting it :) Also, would you suggest applying for it when I'm in my masters or when I'm applying for the PhD program? 

  14. Thought I'd bring this up for those who are new to the forum and were asking about GPA requirements :) 





    I just want to tell everyone to please be encouraged! Apply again. Even if you think you won't be accepted. I have posted in the 2013-14 forum but thought you all may need this. I have just been accepted and did not want to seem like I was bragging, but decided to post this anyway. 

    I thought GPA was everything, but apparently not. I was a straight A student from Kindergarten through graduating High school, but not so much in college.

    I had a 2.9 GPA and got a Fulbright. I am super happy for everyone with high GPA's (and would have loved to have a high GPA) but I don't want anyone to bank on that alone because it may hinder you elsewhere in your application. You have to stand out. Also although I had a 2.9 GPA I was a Bio major and did poorly, then switched to SPanish/Latin American Studies and got straight A's.


    Some pointersL


    1.  For my recommendations:

    • I had the Dean of my college in my University (who was one of my Spanish professors in my last yr of university) rate my Spanish level,
    • had an AMAZING teacher I had for 2 Portuguese/Brazil classes rate my Portuguese, proofread my statements, and write a recommendation,
    • had one of my SPanish teachers (from Spain) write me a recommendation who I had for 2 Spanish courses,
    • and a professor who I had for 1 Brazilian History class, and who worked on the Fulbright committee in the past at my University (who also semi suggested Fulbright for me to get to Brazil) write my third recommendation.

    I'm not saying these professors/deans made me get the grant, but they did help, especially with my poor GPA and I wanted to share with you. Make sure if you all apply again (and change nothing else) that you have professors who are current or who you participated in their courses and you know liked you much.


    2.  In addition, I had 2 professors for Brazilian/Portuguese classes write recommendations. taking these classes probably showed I had a good level of the language


    3.  I also know I put my heart and soul into (even though I started my statement about 2 months before the Oct 17 deadline), but once again I did not get even an alternate status in January. I thought to myself "Wow I did not even get an alternate status. How could I think I had a chance at being a competitive applicant?" not thinking that "Hey there were only 30 ETA slots and 1bout 170 who applied so that has nothing to do with you not having a good application"


    4.  Apply to a country even if you do not think you have a good chance. There are people who applied to a country with very few grants or applied to a country with a lot of grants, a lot of applicants (low percentage of receiving a grant). Apply to what you want. Who would have thought there would be 90 grants added to the country you applied?


    DO NOT GIVE UP. If you have a passion for a certain country and would like be there. DO NOT GIVE UP.


    5.   Also, make sure your 2 statements are not the same at all. I PERSONALLY think your personal statement is slightly more important (but should definitely relate to your 2nd statement. Just be REAL in your statements. Do not exaggerrate or make things up. And DO NOT BORE THEM. Imagine how many essays they have read that sound the same. Tell them interesting things and important moments to you. In addition, prior to writing my statement I volunteered for a few months teaching immigrants English (since I did not have any experience teaching adults) and that in itself was beautiful.


    6. I just felt the need to write this. Hopefully someone who doesn't think they are good enough and is on the fence about applying will read this and change their mind. Writing the statements definitely helped me see myself clearer than before. Overall be honest about your intentions. If you have a poor GPA in comparison to the 4.0's who you know are applying make sure you mention it in a half sentence. I mentioned that because my family came from poverty I wanted a career that would mean MONEY even if I did not like it. Directly from my statement:


    "......Tales such as these often bothered me as a young girl, and as I reached adulthood, they directed me toward a pre-dental career path for the sole purpose of financial stability. Over the course of several semesters, all-the-while with Spanish as my minor, I acknowledged my long-time passion for language, and made a necessary change in career goal..."

    I did not mention it ever again in my statement.


    7. So BE ENCOURAGED. God has a path for each and every one of us and if you feel it in your heart that you are meant to do something please try again! When I attended the Fulbright meetings at my college (although I had to apply At-Large) I felt inferior in comparison to many overly confident students who knew EXACTLY what they wanted (research grants not ETAs).


    Hopefully no one is annoyed :-P Sorry if I'm not typing perfect English. I just woke up and my kitten, Rosie, is distracting me


    Any alternates, there is a chance for you!!! Keep your hopes up! After I was turned down in Jan (no alt status) I felt a tiny bit sad, but decided "I guess it was not meant for me" so hearing more slots were there in may, made me FLIP. Also I had people pray for me too :-)


    Any questions? Contact me ;-)

    Twitter: Ms_Krystalina


  15. Hey all,

    I was talking to someone the other day who was worried about their GPA in terms of getting a Fulbright. What do you guys think? i personally think it doesn't, especially if you already got recommended. Does anyone have any thoughts to share on the matter?

    Btw, congratulations to all those who got awarded and condolences to others who didn't =(


    PS she's on the very first page her name is Krys135 I think..she had a 2.9 

  16. Hey all,

    I was talking to someone the other day who was worried about their GPA in terms of getting a Fulbright. What do you guys think? i personally think it doesn't, especially if you already got recommended. Does anyone have any thoughts to share on the matter?

    Btw, congratulations to all those who got awarded and condolences to others who didn't =(


    One person who commented ont he very first pages of this group said she had less than a 3.0 and she was able to get the ETA grant to Brazil..so although the GPA could potentially play a factor in decision-making i think it's all about the statements/background/experience etc. 

  17. Hi! I am new to this site and am wondering if there is any group via gradcafe or facebook for ETA Spain 2014-2015 Fulbrighters?  


    I got the Spain ETA grant too--but I don't think there's a Facebook group yet! Congrats <3 

  18. Didn't get Mexico...


    Designed an entire course around my project at a top-ten school

    Won a $10,000 grant for my host insitution and am traveling with their researchers in LA for two weeks this semester

    Spent 100+ hours on application


    Couldn't hear their questions in the interview due to a muffled connection



    And so it goes.


    :(....I hate to say "everything happens for a reason" but try to stay positive...I know stuff like this is heart breaking especially if you model your entire research around it...I really hope you find other funding opportunities ...:( 

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