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Posts posted by kafcat



    SUBJECT: Fulbright Application Status (P)




    うわ〜 最高だ! :lol: !!!!!

    おめでとうございます!日本のどこに行くの???めっちゃいいじゃん!!!! :P  :P  :D  


  2. You can apply for it during your PhD (because they allow it for grad students under the student program). You should check with the school to see if it possible though. If you apply after (I think 5 years after) then you become a scholar/professional and it is a different type of grant. I believe. I remember reading this somewhere.


    Sweet thanks! I'll check that out! 

  3. A Fulbright ETA from my school extended her grant for a second year in Korea. Though I'm not sure if she was still considered a Fulbrighter, or the school just kept her for another year. I also remember reading somewhere that extensions/renewal are possible, but not too common. In either case, to have another Fulbright experience, ETAs just have to wait two years before applying for the research grant! :D


    I was wondering about this too because I would like to do international research--specially in Latin America--once I go back to graduate school. I'm so glad that we can apply for a research grant later on. But I think PhD candidates can't really apply right? Or is it people who have completed their PhD already that aren't really eligible for the Fulbright? I'm a little confused because I'm not sure yet if I'm going straight into the PhD after this or not.

  4. LOLOL Thank you for your well wishes!!  :D  Couldn't agree with ya more on Gilmans ruling the world! LLOL



    Woooot~~~! Nice to know there's another one of us :-) Go Team Gilman! haha I hope SmarteyMartey and I can join you and the others on Team Fulbright japaniia! haha  :D  :rolleyes:  :lol:


    Indeed, I hope the Gilman tean gets it...I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!!!! <3 Gah, I know the waiting game makes you nuts but being that I found like..3 weeks earlier than previous years...I hope you too find out ASAP!!!!!!!!! 

  5. for my country they've sent out ETA but not research because... they haven't recieved the research results yet. so i think the delays can happen all over the place. i highly doubt the shutdowns had much to do with it, this is just how granting goes. all the competitions have gotten slower and longer over te past few years because all of these agencies are dealing with increased demand and increasingly limited funding. fulbright will getslower if the cut goes through (but still exist... in grant terms for a program this big 30 million is not a death sentence, just sadly limiting), but look at NSF? they're proposing to cut about ~40% of the budget for social sciences. and the fulbright hays, we all know what a shit show that grant is. this is the way thing are these days...



    Wait NSF is doing budget cuts for social sciences????? :((( I wanted to apply to it...and it looks like it will be even more difficult now to get it....:/

  6. I wonder did any of the Spain ETA people get confirmation of the location or is everyone still guessing? I honestly don't have a preference but since Santander is cheaper than Madrid I'd probably pick Santander.

  7. HEY NOW! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! :-D Congratulations people! You deserve it! And a special congrats to my fellow Gilman Alumna! Woot~~~!


    And for those who didn't get accepted, I'm so sorry and I hope something amazing happens for you extremely soon! You know what they say, when one door closes, another surely opens ^_^



    My Korea people!!!!!! LET'S STAY POSITIVE FOR NEXT WEEK! I think I might make a call or send an email if we don't hear by next Tuesday. Until then, I'm going to start working on my grad application for Korea! Fingers crossed~~~


    ~~~~~ :D  Good luck to all who are still waiting! :D ~~~~~~



    Thanks ginagoestokorea!!!!!! Best of luck to you too! Gilmans unite! <3 !!!! :D :D 

  8. It did! I was hoping to be able to prepare myself before reading the email, but it worked out well regardless. Okay thanks, I hope we find out soon! Madrid and Cantabria are like night and day so I am definitely still curious.


    I don;t know much about Cantabria..but the nice thing about it is that it has a nice beach..and since im from SoCal it would feel a little bit like home. I'm fine with either place but I think I'd prefer Cantabria because it's not as expensive as Madrid. 

  9. Also just received the email- selected for ETA to Spain! Now for you other Spain ETAers, when/how do we find out if we're going to Madrid or Cantabria?


    FELICIDADES! I think they will specify in a few weeks when they send us the emails with the information. Did your heart stop when you saw "(P)" on the subject line??????? 

  10. Hey all! Just found out that I was not selected for the Spain ETA. I'm still sort of letting it sink in....but that's life, I guess! There's always the future. More chances to apply, other things to apply for...we'll see! Best of luck to everyone who is still in the running! 


    Hey there, I just read this. I'm so sorry to hear about this...but as someone said earlier...your positive attitude will take you far, so don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!! We support you here!

  11. FELICIDADES POR SER ACEPTADO! (I don't speak spanish, that's from google translate haha)


    I'm smiling from ear to ear at your excitement! I hope to feel the same way in a couple of weeks!!!!


    I just didn't expect to get it that's the thing and...oh man I've never been to Spain hahaha...I'm still in shock...I'm like ...I don't know what to do with myself right now ....TO THE FREEZER..I KNOW THERE'S SOME ICE CREAM IN THERE! YEUSS

  12. YAAAAY CONGRATS!! I am so glad one of us from here got it! :D Felicidades!! 



  13. I kind of want to read what my professors wrote in my recommendation letter to Fulbright... just to take my mind off of things.


    Oh wait nevermind I thought you said " i read what my prof...."

  14. I kind of want to read what my professors wrote in my recommendation letter to Fulbright... just to take my mind off of things.


    Wait you can read their recommendations??????? I was never able to see them o.o

  15. Hey at least we should be grateful that we receive our results via email rather than snail mail..imagine..we'd probably get our acceptance/rejection letters simultaneously (due to geographical regions) and that would take a hell lot longer than a simple email. I'd be checking my mail box everyday haha.

  16. Lol, it's quite glamorous! Though not as well-known as a Fulbright. I haven't interned at a government agency yet, but I'm thinking of either working with USAID in SEA, or working my way towards becoming a Foreign Service Officer.

    What that's awesome!!! Yeah because I thought that you're supposed to join a government agency and work for them right after you graduate for about two years right?

  17. I can't think about anything else besides Fulbright... it is consuming my life.


    Hey I just noticed you got the Boren! Did you end up interning at a government agency? I always wondered what it's like to get the Boren! 

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