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Posts posted by kafcat

  1. I just submitted by NSF application for political science yesterday! Also applying for the Ford Fellowship. 

    good luck !!!!!!!!!!! Have you found any ford fellowship sample essays? How are you going about it? I'm thinking of re-adjusting the nsf app for the ford but its kind of challenging without seeing what a winning statement looks like. 

  2. Jonathan called me and said that "[Thailand found some extra funding, and the commissioners told me to call you to inform you that you've received a grant.]" It was so unexpected!


    I actually received a very straight-forward, "You are not selected," email back in April, with "NS" in the subject line. I don't think they made a mistake, but that extra funding just appeared. Though I'm not too sure on what the situation is for alternates to Thailand for an ETA. I don't know if there are any on the forum that received the same email/phone call that I did, but I hope this is the case for other applicants also!



    So are you going to reject the Yale program now? so awesome for ya!


    Get this folks--non-select turned principle!!!

    The impossible has happened!!!

    OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH MY GOODNESS WELCOME BACK AMD CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! they must have realized the mistake they did and wow that is amazing, I always wondered why such a talented person as yourself didn't get it but I'm super happy you got it!!! Made my day!!!!!!!

  4. Does anybody know if it is possible to apply for both the research/study Fulbright and the National geographi digital storytelling Fulbright in the same application cycle?

    My dissertation project is on graffiti art in Brazil and my resarch invoves the use of visual ethnographic methods so it could work for either type of grant.

    Nope. I tried doing that this year and they said I could only apply to either the eta or the natgeo

  5. I got a letter stamped, signed, and sealed straight from my country several weeks ago with instructions on what to do next (basically had to sign some forms and mail them off to NYC and Spain). I should be getting login information to the official Fulbright Spain page that is supposed to have everything on it, when my form arrives back in Spain. Gotta wait till early June for the visa app because you can only apply up to 90 days before you leave, but I should start with the criminal background check I think...? Scanned in my medical form and release form last week as well. And should be doing my official transcript here in a few days. Idk it's all so complicated. Am I doing this right?


    I never got anything from spain :/ .......I just got a letter with what school I was placed in ...ok now I'm concerned 

  6. I think it was because they already had a few related to the idea of friendship. It was a cool idea for a contest and it was fun to see what everyone wrote :) I hope they do it again next year.

    I know but the funny thing is that some people got picked multiple times. There was this one guy with glasses and short black hair that was in like.... 5pictures :7 could have picked other contestants imo I really like yours haha

  7. Awesome to hear!! I suppose I should have clarified that this would be for a research grant.

    I was going to say the same thing there's many countries in Europe that don't require knowledge of the language such as Norway, Holland, Sweden, I think Switzerland, etc. Just look at the language requirements of each country to see if you're eligible. Good luck!

  8. Although my roomie and I's entry for the "Fulbright is___" contest (http://www.photosnack.com/FulbrightPrgm/ptpld8ll), didn't get picked, I thought I'd share as a reminder of what the program means at the end of the day. I think it's easy sometimes during this application process to lose sight of the big picture, especially with comments from professors, colleagues, etc. Yes, it is an amazing professional opportunity and (hopefully) it will be fun, but it's about bridging the differences and creating a better world :)


    I know that whether I get the grant or not, I will always be grateful to the program for bringing my roomie to the US. She has helped me to see things from new perspectives and has helped me to learn a lot about the world and myself.




    P.S. Sorry if this is a little bit cheesy ^____^;;


    I can't believe they didn't pick you! This is so cool specially the "friendship has no borders" thing! 

  9. Frankly Japaniia I seem to be the only positive one here. I laid out eachbpointbthat "X/..." made and agreed with more than half (for anyone who actually ready the post).

    If others are getting butt hurt over it I can't help that. Sometimes people know how to give brutal honesty but the often can't take it and while I overtly stated my appreciations and agreement with many things it clearly looks like its the others taking it personally.

    One should only be blunt if they are able to receive it and its silly to take offense which is what appears to be what these others have done.

    Sounds like they need a glass of wine or something to lighten their mood. 1-6 was more than half agreement so whose really the offended bitthurt ones over there? LOL

    Alrighty then, three long essay replies. Glad you were able to vent out. Good luck with your application. Peace.
  10. Hey InnovativeL

    If you are getting butthurt for the comments and advise the people on this forum are giving you I suggest you refer your questions to your FPA. We don't need negative vibes in this forum and I also don't see how secret ninja is being rude. With Fulbright you have to be realistic and we wouldn't want you go to through all the trouble of applying if you won't be eligible anyways. Trust me, we were all in the verge of pulling our hair out here while we waited for the notifications to come (some people still are). Your FPA will give you more advise or ask a fulbright representative via phone or if one of then comes to your campus at an informational meeting. Some of us who are giving for you advise have already gotten the Fulbright for next year so we are giving you advise based on our own experiences, so it's not a personal attack on you, we just want to be frank. Again we don't need the negative energy here since this is a place for questions and mutual support.

  11. I don't pretend to be an expert, but I applied twice and was rejected the first time (as a 1st year grad student) and got the award the second time (as a 2nd year grad student). Nobody from my school has ever gotten this award, and there were no resources available at my grant office to help with the application, so I relied heavily on advice from this forum and from websites.


    My main advice, for what it's worth, is to focus on Broader Impacts A LOT. Put however much in there you think you need, then add some more. It is not just about disseminating your project to the community, it is about bringing science/education to the community and especially to K-12 kids. So even community outreach which does not directly involve your project is good. Make the reviewer's job very easy. They need to score you on Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts so make it easy to see how you as an applicant fulfill those criteria. And then when you ask for reference letters, think about how each of your letter writers has PERSONALLY witnessed your merits in these two catagories (intellectual merit and broader impacts) and make sure to ask them to specifically mention those experiences in your letters.


    That way, the reviewer sees continuity in the application and your whole package very clearly gives evidence that you are a good candidate. Good grades help, and publications help, but also just having a very clearly written and strong application package is very important.


    Good luck to all who apply next year! If you are already thinking about your application that is a great start!


    Great advice, I'll definitely be putting the extra effort in those categories. :) Also congrats on getting it the second time around! 


    Wow, Hina, that's great! Have you read "Poverty Capital" by Ananya Roy? It's an interesting perspective on Grameen Bank and microcapital. Your current job sounds very interesting, too, and I'm so glad you can do that while looking to get back into international development. And it sounds like you've found the perfect grad school! With that dual degree you will be unstoppable! It makes me so glad, speaking as the "old person" in this forum, to see so many young women advocating for women around the world who don't have a voice, or who do not know yet they can use their voice. Hina, I wish you all good things in this world, and I know you'll make it to Bangladesh soon!





  13. Sorry to sound like a pessimist but grants and scholarship deadlines are usually before the actual school application deadlines. By the time you are accepted into the program it's too late to look for grants. You should have applied for grants between November-January. Maybe try doing that next year, otherwise try to find loans. FYI Masters programs (at least in the U.S.) are RARELY fully funded, you are lucky if you can get 25% of the total costs covered. My suggestion is to speak to a Columbia rep. about your situation to find out the best plan of action, otherwise apply for scholarships while you're in the U.S. and stay tuned to deadlines. You may also consider scholarships offered THROUGH columbia/fellowships/ Teaching Assistantships or Research Assistantships, and usually these are not limited to U.S. Citizens/Residents, so try to find out through your college. Otherwise good luck next semester.

  14. Going back a few pages to the whole living-in-a-country-for-a-certain-amount-of-time question. Just for reference, I got the Spain research Fulbright.


    I just checked the Spain page, and it looks like it's been totally revamped, at least for the research award (but probably the others as well)! They've clarified a few things and removed a rather silly requirement which I didn't even do on my application ("include all contact you have had with your affiliator"). The descriptions are different from when I applied this year too. Also, looking at the numbers, huge HUGE cutback on total amount of Spain grants next year. :( Going from 27 research/study grants to 22 (which includes the 4 specific Masters grants) and going from 58 ETAs to 41, which are *only* in Madrid now, rather than being in Madrid and another region (can't remember, but I think the ratio was 41:17, so that region just got totally cut).


    Back to the question at hand, I've never been to Spain and got the research award, but I do have a background that lends itself to working well in my proposed Fulbright environment. Speaking of, all the finalists at my uni who HAD been to their target country were either rejected or made alternates (I don't know which because those decisions aren't officially released by the school). But then again, n = "very low" for that observation.


    And congrats to all the other recipients (especially mozartgirl - you keep this thread bumping!) and continued best wishes for the alternates and condolences for the non-selects!


    Oh my god, you're right, that's insane!!!! Wow, now it's going to be extremely competitive...!!!! I feel terrible for the next round of applicants to Spain...!!! the other region is Cantabria/Santander...I can't believe they got rid of it completely :( That's too bad...!!

  15. I would be applying for a research grant, not ETA.  Like you, Mozartgirl, I would think that my previous history in the country will actually position me well to hit the ground running, but I understand, too, that they want to give people the chance to travel who may not have done so previously.  In total, I've lived in Spain for about 15 months (4 months study abroad; 9 months teaching; and 2 months add'l travel time).  I just would hate to go through the entire application process if I know that my previous history in the country is a disqualifier....


    To chime in here, there's a few of my fellow Spain ETA/Research grantees who have spent time in spain (more than 3 months) and they got the Fulbright. Like Miri1776 said, it's not the amount of time that hurts you--it really comes down to a lot of things such as the research topic, politics within US-Spain bureaucracy, relevance, etc. I would suggest contacting Neurovivor who most recently got the research grant to Spain. Since I got the ETA grant I wouldn't be of too much help except with general advice. Buena suerte!

  16. Hello, Kmshrader. Congratulations! 


    Thank you for your input. I will definitely begin to tutor as soon as possible. However, do you think that they would think that I have to much experience?? I will also have as many people review my essay. This forum has been amazing and motivating. I sincerely wish that we could ALL get Fulbright's!  


    My FPA told me to focus on my project. I think it really depends on the region you are going to, but in general you want to say why you will stand out from all the applicants out there. The top 4 would be your background/teaching experience/ project/ and why the specific country. In my case I emphasized the Model United Nations project in Spain because I participated in the MUN back home, had teaching experience, and wrote a lot about my proposed project. To tell you the truth, some countries require more experience than others.

    For example my friend who just got extended a 2nd year as a Fullbright ETA in Colombia said that they really wants their fulbrighters to have some teaching experience. My friend actually applied while getting a certificate as an ESL teacher so that helped her a lot because if I'm not mistaken Colombia puts their ETAs in universities...so they definitely prefer people with teaching experience/ESL certificates. Don't quote me on this because there's some people who have gotten in w/o an ESL certificate, but either do some volunteering or get a teaching job because that will help you a lot in the fulbright application. Also, get as many professors as you can to read your essay. I had about 4 of them, one being the chair of the writing department. And it would be helpful if one person who writes your letter of rec knows about your teaching abilities. Again, it really depends on the country and not EVERY fulbrighter has teaching experience...it's just helpful IMO. Use this summer to do some teaching ! Good luck!




    Email from Jermaine an hour ago:


    To:  Deborah Brown,
    This is a reminder to please arrange for your official transcript to be sent to IIE as soon as possible. The transcript must be the original, registrar generated transcript and in a sealed envelope when mailed in hard copy. Failure to submit in a timely manner may delay the notification of the next stage of your application in the Fulbright U.S. Student award process.
    We are missing the following transcript(s):
    PhD degree granting/expected institution (Gonzaga University)
    If you have requested the transcript(s), you may want to check with the registrar to verify when they were sent.  Please allow at least 2-3 weeks for the transcripts to reach IIE and be processed.  Also, be sure that the transcripts are clearly addressed to:

    US Student Programs

    Institute of International Education

    809 UN Plaza

    New York, NY 10017

    Please contact me if you have any questions.




    Dear Mr. Jones,


    Thank you for notifying me about this! I am horrified. I ordered those transcripts months ago. I have just re-ordered them and payed for overnight delivery. However, the National Clearing House is closed today for Good Friday. They should send them out by Tuesday or Wednesday at the very latest, and you should receive them the following day. I apologize sincerely for this.


    I assume since you only mentioned Gonzaga that my other transcripts (University of Washington and Cascadia Community College were received by you?


    Thank you again for letting me know about this and giving me the opportunity to correct it. You will receive the transcript as soon as humanly possible.



    Debbie Brown




    Please be honest with me, friends. Have I completely blown it? Did the fact that the National Clearing House somehow bungled my transcript last January just cost me a Fulbright?  Of course, if I don't get it now, I will beat myself up for the rest of my life for the missing transcript! Feedback, PLEASE!  :unsure::(




    No way I don't think you have blown it, as a matter of fact it's a good sign that they took time to send you an email and request another copy of your transcript. This happens trust me, sometimes the uni doesn't send things on time. This happened to me once except it was for the Gilman (the undergrad version of the Fulbright) so take a deep breath and relax, just make sure you send the transcripts asap to them and hope for the best! 


    IT WAS A (P)!!!


    Omo! OMG! Omo!




    I am so excited and my parents sounded so happy when I told them over the phone (even though they are sad I'll be so far from home). I was convinced that I was going to be an alternate, so I can't even. Actually, I didn't even see the email from Fulbright because my fellowship office had sent me like three congratulatory emails right after they found out as well. I can't wait to meet all of the other Korea ETAs.



    On another note, I really want to congratulate everyone that got recommended even if you didn't get it. I have been amazed to see all the people on this forum and was doubting myself because you all seem so smart and accomplished



    About time!!! I was hoping you got it ! yay! Say hi to G-Dragon from me haha

  19. Call me a total newbie, but what does this 'P' in the subject line mean?


    "Principal" status. which means you got the award. A is alternate, NS is not selected. Do any of the subject lines actually include NS on them?? ?If so that's cruel :/

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