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Everything posted by Ulixes

  1. Tradesies? We have a mutual friend: WaitForIt (I think is his name--Wes). How did you find out about being waitlisted at WMU, solicit an email? That's what I did, but I didn't hear any details about where I'm at on their list.
  2. The SCA is awesome (if it's done right)!
  3. Wait listed at Milwaukee! (Hooray! And, congrats to everyone accepted!) ... tell yo' kids, tell yo' wives to DECLINE!
  4. Ulixes

    MA Thread

    Oh man! Someone put up an acceptance for Milwaukee! Did anyone else get one? Hopefully not; my inbox is sad and empty.
  5. I hear horrible, awful things about Western Michigan... Definitely decline... :-D (I'm on their waitlist, and would sacrifice a baby lama to the Blood Gods of Philosophy to get in.)
  6. Ulixes

    MA Thread

    It might just be the luck of the draw that there are so many men; hopefully it doesn't say anything about the department. And don't let married people put you off! We're fun people!
  7. Ulixes

    MA Thread

    I've 'reached my quota for positive votes today' unfortunately, or I'd upvote the acceptances and waitlists! I can't imagine how long WMU's waitlist must be... I'd prefer to do it gladiatorially, where we all get in a big room and argue philosophy until we're dehydrated, then fight it out with batons. Either way, WMU is awesome; I'd love to get in (and for all of us to get in) off the waitlist. My hope is that WMU is being used as a safety net for people applying to PhD programs, and that, come April, people will start declining.
  8. Ulixes

    MA Thread

    I visited Atlanta once for an undergrad conference; there's this little taco place hidden away, Day of the Dead theme. Overall, except for the violence and crime and gunshots and stuff, decent place.
  9. Ulixes

    MA Thread

    Same for Tufts. I emailed NIU to hear about being waitlisted or rejected. Waiting to hear back is horrible.
  10. Ulixes

    MA Thread

    I'm interested in hearing from those who are hoping to get into an MA program before doing PhD work. Where'd you apply to, and have you heard back? Which MA program are you hoping for?
  11. I think TheVineyard made a good point. If there's an informal March 15th deadline, then it seems reasonable to email them.
  12. Wait listed at Western Michigan, most regrettably (awesome program in an awesome place, and near my wife's family--right now we're states away.)
  13. I've been reading through it; interesting thread. Milwaukee sounds like an awesome city.
  14. Thanks for your replies! Though, I saw Monadology's only after sending an email to the program assistants. One of them got back to me saying that the committee is still reviewing applications, but acceptances and rejections should be going out later this week. How did you like their program?
  15. Hello everyone! A friend recently introduced me to the forums; I've been obsessively checking the results, and figured checking the forums might be somewhat more constructive. So, how early is too early to email your hoped-for institution to ask about application decisions? I'm really hoping for UW-Milwaukee's MA program, and nervously checking the posted results is going to give me an ulcer.
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