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Status Updates posted by AKCarlton

  1. i think i'm more excited for my grades than any Christmas gift.

  2. already having to deal with the bloody bursar's office.

  3. second day of break and I've already ordered my books for a class next semester - 6 books...one class!

    1. Threeboysmom


      I have my book for next semester as well. After Christmas I'm going to pop them open and get a jump start on my reading.

  4. ok, you can do this, only a couple more pages to go and this paper is done!

    1. smg


      Go go go go!

    2. gk210



  5. froze my butt off in the field past two days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AKCarlton


      not yet, still apparently too warm for snow.

    3. smg


      its been a warm winter so far. wait till jan and feb.

    4. AKCarlton


      I don't want to wait lol, I'm off to Arizona to visit family for two weeks over break.

  6. got my first legitimate paid archaeology job...only 3 days, but still!

    1. smg
    2. AKCarlton


      I truthfully don't know...two professors are in charge.

    3. gk210



  7. one more assignment stands in the way of my final projects.

  8. personifying Lewis Binford in a debate on Monday.

  9. sitting here, reading my paper for the billionth time, too scared to turn it in.

    1. smg


      I know that feeling.

    2. AKCarlton


      It's turned in. Done, moving on to the next assignment.

  10. ugh. spatial analysis. that is all.

    1. smg
    2. AKCarlton


      probably my worst paper this semester.

  11. lead the discussion in tonight's class and it went really well, a little less anxious now.

    1. smg


      Nice, what was it about?

    2. AKCarlton


      archaeology's portrayal in the media...chose to lead this week because of my journalism background and it was fun!

    3. Threeboysmom
  12. our first intramural volleyball game is tonight...let's go TrowelBlazers!

    1. gk210


      my program's intramural team got kicked off the running because we lost way too many games.

    2. AKCarlton
    3. gk210


      yeah we sucked. we lost to a bunch of medical students the second to last game. we just were not on point.

  13. dealing with a frustrating professor is exhausting

    1. smg


      People are exhausting.

    2. AKCarlton
  14. bought my first legitimate "winter" jacket.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. smg


      Winter is on its way. I just bought wool pants and long underwear.

    3. AKCarlton


      I've been wearing long underwear all week, so glad I bought it.

      GK -- from Northface...I got the triclimate jacket with thermoball technology, cause girl, you knows I needs it!! lol.

      Brace yourselves: winter is coming!

    4. gk210


      where's the nearest northface?! i'm about to hit up the Commons right now

  15. this semester isn't even over and I'm already excited for one of my classes next semester!

    1. Threeboysmom


      That's a great feeling.

  16. hurt my ankle bad. staying home all day with it elevated and iced.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GCool


      Be sure to dorsal flex the foot every 20-30 minutes if you're keeping ice on it (point toes toward your head)!

    3. AKCarlton


      thank you for that GCool...definitely doing that..got back from Urgent Care and they confirmed it was sprained...wrapped it and gave me a brace. No more running to catch the train for me!

    4. Threeboysmom


      Oh man so sorry.

  17. me and the fiance will be Calvin and Hobbes tonight :)

  18. three parties to make appearances at tonight before hosting my own tomorrow! happy halloween!

    1. gk210


      what are you dressed as

    2. AKCarlton


      we will be Calvin and Hobbes

    3. gk210



  19. been looking at slave shackles for quite some time, project: completed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gk210


      some freaky ish

    3. smg
    4. AKCarlton


      A lot of people actually buy them Academicat...it's sad.

  20. carving pumpkins with the cohort tonight!

    1. smg


      fun...are you guys chipping your own blades?

    2. gk210


      omg how fun!! i wanna carve so bad

    3. AKCarlton


      haha, no SMG, we did not

  21. forgot to say: I already have a thesis! adviser offered it up, and I snagged it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. starofdawn


      Nice! I may do the same for my thesis. We expect funding to come in for a project and I wouldn't mind using that project for my thesis :)

    3. AKCarlton


      Buttons! and items of personal adornment. I still come up with my analysis, but a majority of the collection was done because it was supposed to be part of another dissertation, but she never got around to including it. And I'll be working on the report and may get my name as an author for that. Double-win!

    4. AKCarlton


      startofdawn, I would highly recommend it! I mean, why not? You know? :)

  22. going to volunteer at the museum this evening and teach kids about archaeology.

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