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Everything posted by newms

  1. household budget
  2. Yeah, I don't think most Master's programs do interviews, so don't worry if you don't get an interview invite. Hope you get some good news soon!
  3. vegan diet
  4. Remember also that Canadian universities are not bounded by the Council on Graduate Schools' April 15 deadline, so in theory they could make decisions after that date. Generally though, since they're often competing with US schools for applicants, they will make decisions well before April 15. I would guess that if you haven't heard anything yet, then you would be likely to hear sometime in March. You could always ask the department politely about when you can expect to hear back from them.
  5. It might be a good idea to do a little reading on profs who you could be interested in working with, and having a few questions that you could ask them about what they're doing. The one-on-one interviews are really an opportunity for you to see how you would fit at that department. It's a recruitment event, so try not to feel any pressure about it - they'll be trying to convince you to accept them!
  6. pepsi max
  7. Accepting and later backing out sounds like a bad idea - you run the risk of burning bridges with people in your field that you may end up working with later on. I think it's better to ask for an extension as other people have suggested above. I'm guessing that this wouldn't be the first time that your school with the early deadline had an applicant that needed additional time to decide.
  8. free kick
  9. lesson plans
  10. never again
  11. I'm in the same boat and what you've suggested for clothing sounds good. I'm guessing that even though it's not an interview and I've already been admitted with funding, impressions do matter, especially if this is where I choose, so I definitely want to leave a good impression.
  12. don't forget
  13. object oriented
  14. end zone
  15. Bible commentary
  16. nuclear plant
  17. Bible belt
  18. computer engineer
  19. shopping list
  20. Congrats on your excellent admits. Your criteria look pretty good for selecting your school, but maybe you could also consider how well your research interests fit at each school. Also, you could consider things like how easy is it to change an advisor, should you ever need to; how many profs are there at each school that you could conceivably work with; the quality of life you would be able to enjoy on the stipends in each of the cities involved; the weather at the cities where you've been admitted. I would also recommend chatting with grad students at the schools you're considering - see what they have to say about the programs. If all else fails to separate your choices, then there's always flipping a coin!
  21. Is there a counselor at your current school that you could talk with? I can't begin to understand what you would have gone through and are going through, but it would seem to me that you'll have to get this dealt with somehow (I'm not even sure how) since it's something that could cause you emotional distress throughout life. As for your concern about alienating your profs, I don't think you would have done so, since it is important to find a balance between what you want to do and what your advisor advises, rather than just doing whatever your advisor says. What is it you would rather do? The first project or the second one? Perhaps you could speak with your program director about how your research projects could fit with the research at the department. Alternatively, is it possible for you to be co-advised by your advisor and one of the other profs, since neither seem like they feel comfortable advising you on this project alone? Good luck and I hope this works out for you.
  22. living dead
  23. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, they say. A funded offer at a top 20 school is a pretty good offer and ultimately, you will be judged by the quality of your research not by the school you went to (or at least I like to think so), so I'd definitely suggest you go with the offers you have now, rather than wait out a year for a top 10 offer that may or may not come.
  24. Go with your gut. A good research fit is pretty important and if you have it with the US University, then that's a huge plus. Also, in most instances, the reputation of the department is more important than the overall prestige of the university, so if your supervisor is highly regarded, then that is probably better than getting a degree from a prestigious university that isn't as highly thought of in your field. 15 hours a week as a TA doesn't sound like too much to me, but you're definitely going to have to balance your TA time, your own course and research time and your personal time. Good luck!
  25. business loan
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