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    2015 Fall
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  1. If anyone is selling or knows anyone who is selling books for the summer portion of the HBSW at Lakehead please let me know! Thank you!
  2. Didn't say I was going too just obviously was a thought. Also yes I am sure a portion of the questions can be answered through the website but not all.
  3. Oh she must get soo many emails per day lol, but I am sure she expected that when she signed up for the position as would any coordinator for any grad program! lol.
  4. Ugh yes same here. I am debating whether I want to email Angela and ask her if they have started the process yet.
  5. Have you checked your myfile?? Or email Sonya the admissions coordinator.
  6. Does anyone know how many people roughly apply for the U of T Advanced Standing MSW and how many people get accepted?
  7. Is this your first time applying? If so don't give up just yet!
  8. Congrats! This is definitely something to be happy about (at least I think). Here's to hoping we get in!
  9. Thanks guys! Yeah thinking about all this definitly makes my head spin lol. Thanks! I'm just worried about and need to find out about tuition for Lakehead and exactly how much I will be losing if that happens and what to do with OSAP in that case. I really hope it doesn't come down to that. I hope if I get off the waitlist it happens in May (Angela said we will hear anytime between May-September). That would be amazing and work out perfectly!
  10. Thank you! Yeah I think I've decided to wait until Mid-End of June and if I am not off the wait list by than I will definitely just go the HBSW route!
  11. Now I feel a little silly for even thinking that was an option lol! Clearly I got a little too excited and overwhelmed.
  12. You all made some very valid points! I honestly didn't even consider any of that cause I was so overwhelmed of excitement knowing I still have a chance lol as u o f is closer to home and so much more convenient. But agreed with all your points. If I don't get accepted by end of June I will let u of t know to take me off to the list so I'm not heart broken if I did get in. Thanks everyone!
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