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Timothy Vallier

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Everything posted by Timothy Vallier

  1. Two Rules: 1. If you are waiting, don't shave. 2. If you get an acceptance, celebrate and shave. I've been growing since January 1, and it's getting kind of grizzly. I'm mostly doing it to keep people from asking about acceptances until they see me with a clean face. Also, if you feel so inclined, post pictures.
  2. I met with one of the composition faculty this past summer and they told me.
  3. It's for all phd applicants. But the stats I mentioned about last years group only applied to composition.
  4. For Yale at the PhD level you will either be rejected outright, or invited to take their once yearly entrance exam. You must pass this to be admitted. FYI of the six composers invited last year to take this exam ALL of them failed and therefore none were admitted.
  5. I'm sitting on my first rejection from Jan 15. It stinks having only negative feedback but I am optimistic after the initial shockwave of doubt.
  6. Yes! This month has a history of good things happening for me. Let's ride that luck. I've got 2-3 decisions coming down the hatch this month. Hopefully, they give me reason to celebrate.
  7. i believe this. Yet, I cannot help but click these daily.
  8. Oh I wish I hadn't read this thread. I did not need any more reasons to click on anything. Although, it does give me peace of mind to see all of my materials were received and accounted for.
  9. My wife will be teaching music at the grade school/middle school level!
  10. Thank you! I took a listen your stuff as well and my favorite is Mako. Very nice work. Best of luck to you.
  11. Welcome to the thread Jose, and congrats on Stony Brook and UC Davis. I have a couple of questions. Where did you go for your undergrad? Do you currently have an MA or MM? (I'm really just curious of your applications at both the masters and doctoral level)
  12. Anyone in this thread want to claim that acceptance from SUNY Buffalo for Music Theory?! Congrats!
  13. This is a tough one. NYU may not be as highly selective as your undergrad but the problem with them is that they are in NYC. They yield extremely high amounts of applicants because of their geographical location which means more competition for you. I'm sure your portfolio weighs higher than your GPA, so if you feel confident about that you should stand a pretty good chance. Your only problem will be funding, from what I have gathered, they base all funding on GRE and GPA. If you don't mind sharing, where did you receive your undergrad?
  14. I just made a chart for myself to calm my anxiety. It's the schools I applied to and my best guess of when I might hear from them based on the posts in the forums and past years results. Duke: Early February Princeton: Late Feb (19th) Temple University: Late February, Early March New York University: First week of March Columbia: Early to Mid March SUNY, Stony Brook: Late March (20th) This breaks up the schools and lets me think about them one by one in order, and makes the whole waiting process mirco and manageable. I recommend doing this and contributing to the thread, it will make for a nice resource for our peers and future applicants, and if nothing is sort of therapeutic.
  15. Hey Adam, welcome to the thread, and best of luck to you! You should post that link to your site because I remember there being some very good music there. This thread has been quiet...any news? Tomorrow is the first day of February. Let this be a good month for all of us!
  16. Come visit the Music 2010 thread over in the arts forum!
  17. Ok, It's time to start a new thread called: FEBRUARY IS IT! That's where I am right now.
  18. It's just considered a Faux Pas in the academic world.
  19. If money was no object I would have applied to two or three times as many programs. Unfortunately, apps are expensive! Also, if I don't get in anywhere I would give a large amount of money to go back in time and apply to more schools. Ah! Choices!
  20. I was optimistic until I got my first rejection. Now, I am pessimistic.
  21. I am 23 years old. I graduate with Master of Music this spring.
  22. -You post a rejection in the results page. Later that day you check your RSS feed and see someone else has gotten rejected from that school in your program and you feel better...until you realize it's just you.
  23. Anyone willing to post some pictures?
  24. I get mass e-mails and duplicates of mass e-mails. Some of them even have the subject "Admissions Decisions" and I feel faint. I can't stand them.
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