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Everything posted by AghaDehlawi

  1. Cast your net far and wide, that's the only advice I'll give.
  2. You need to cast your net far and wide, 2 is just not enough. I graduated from an ivy league university, with a 3.9 GPA and LORs from 3 of the best Islamic studies professors out there. It still took me 3 cycles of applying to get in somewhere.
  3. Even the results page is lacking any substance concerning ICIVS. has anyone else even applied?
  4. Any word on acceptances and rejections from the Emory Islamic Civilizations Studies (ICIVS) committee?
  5. Congrats! Georgetown > NYU anyways
  6. Also, any noise from University of Southern California?
  7. What are you planning on specializing there? I got an acceptance as well, but don't know if I should go for it since I already have a MA in Islamic studies.
  8. NYU MEIS results are out
  9. I have been told that UMich NES and Duke Religion decisions are out!
  10. I've been told that they are aiming for early March. I didn't apply there even though I did half my MA there as an exchange student because the two main anchors in regards to Islamic studies, Cook and Modarressi, are nearing retirement and aren't entertaining new PhDs... Good luck to all who applied there though!
  11. Are there schools that accept students without interviewing them, or is an interview a mandatory procedure?
  12. I'm with you here, I haven't gotten any interview requests at all. I'm too tense. Nonetheless, I have decided if it doesn't work out I'm leaving the US for either Iran or Turkey, maybe even for good.
  13. Any word from Georgetown? I heard they are finalizing decisions very soon.
  14. They also sent my application to CMES MA...
  15. I wonder who got accepted to UCLA and under what specialization? I really wanted to apply there for Islamic studies but my professor at Princeton told me that the main guy there (KAF) is very sick and isn't taking any grad students under him...
  16. The admission process is so ridiculous, I wish they could give reasons for rejection. Having a great GPA, completing a MA, studying the language abroad, having similar research interests as the faculty, etc, what else would they like from the applicants? An arm and a leg?
  17. How do you all cope with rejection?
  18. Lol, what's his name? He was teaching Chinese as well, not too many Masters students doing that...
  19. Where did you get this info from? Nonetheless, that's upsetting because I just submitted my FLAS application that they requested all applicants to do. If I knew that I was not going to be selected why bother?
  20. In NES/MES I applied to UMich, Emory, U Chi, NYU, Georgetown; I have received no responses as of yet. The waiting game is killing me!
  21. I applied to quite a few NES/MES programs, most having their application deadlines on December 15, it is now passed mid-January when should I expect hearing back from schools? I have received no emails as of yet...
  22. I applied to quite a few Islamic studies programs, most having their application deadlines on December 15, it is now passed mid-January when should I expect hearing back from schools? I have received no emails as of yet...
  23. I actually had a roommate at Rutgers from China back in 2014-2015 who was pursuing a Doctorate in East Asian studies, he started his PhD at Columbia but transferred to Rutgers after his second year. Apparently, the faculty for his specialization are better at Rutgers than Columbia.
  24. I am completing my MA in religious studies (Islamic studies) this December and have nearly everything ready in regards to applying to PhD programs (religion, middle eastern, near eastern), however I have had some health related setbacks and was unable to take the GRE in time for applications this cycle, I was wondering do any schools have application cycles in the Spring? I would prefer not to wait an entire year to apply in December 2017... Please let me know
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