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Status Updates posted by TenaciousBushLeaper

  1. Recently I've come to find my self playing down my aptitude or ability to do a certain technical task when asked about it....for I fear I will become the "go to" person for it......

  2. Settled on a place in Boston, stress & anxiety of trying to find a place before September 1st is gone. Unfortunately I'm not sure I'll get along great with this room mate

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. attackonthedoctor


      ^ So much truth with this. I understood where they were coming from but it was really annoying. What do you mean that you wouldn't be able to get along with the roommate? Two very different living styles?

    3. TenaciousBushLeaper


      I'm a keep to myself, quiet type of person. I like reading, and solving problems. This room mate is the exact opposite, on the first day he wanted to me to go 1. take a walk on the board walk, 2. go to dinner, 3. go meet his sick friend in a hospital with him, 4. go to a bar and play pool. Don't get me wrong I'm OK with some of those things but probably only one a day at most. It's a bit much for my personality type.
    4. drownsoda


      I feel/felt your pain. I spent over a month searching for a place in NY long-distance. Brokers are a nightmare. I finally found a building owner in the Bronx in a neighborhood just across the street from my school, and was able to rent a 1 bedroom directly from him for a decent price. I can't move in until the 1st though, and my first class is on the 2nd! EEK. Oh well. I'm glad your search is over. I'm more of an introvert myself and prefer living alone as well, and when I realized that I wouldn't really be saving all that much with a roommate, I decided going it alone was better. I'm the sort of person who is leery of rooming with someone I don't know, but I know many people who have done it and had a good time, even made friends. 

  3. trying not to panic ...trying to find somewhere to live in the Boston area

    1. .letmeinplz//


      I talked to my dad about that who is a native of Boston (if I ever ended up there I was worried about housing cost), he told me to live outside the city and take the train in.

    2. gk210


      What ^^ said. Don't even try to live anywhere near downtown.

  4. Machine learning is surprisingly interesting

    1. PhDerp


      It's awesome :D

  5. I think one of the best feelings for me is when I correctly find the solution using a method I come up with, which is different from that in the book and w/o any assistance ;)

    1. Mechanician2015


      That feeling is one of my main reasons for going into grad school! It's really one of the best feelings :P

  6. At this point I can no longer say it will be a long night, but rather a long morning (there is no coffee...).

    1. Imaginary


      No coffee?! Boo!

  7. It annoys me when people really have no idea what they're talking about yet, they still attempt to talk about it as if they know. Functional connectivity in no way shows "how different parts of the brain interact"

    1. PhDerp


      There's a blog for that. It's called s**tmystudentswrite. It's VERY funny, I recommend it! :D

    2. TenaciousBushLeaper


      that...is golden, thank you!

  8. Writing my thesis is surprizingly a lot easier than excepted

  9. I need me a hyperbolic time chamber

  10. Here's to officially having a spring break by the schools calendar but not really because you know you'll be in the lab for the entirety of the break period.

    1. mseph


      Same here. Spring break is never a spring break. Sigh...

    2. Munashi
    3. ERR_Alpha


      I'm enjoying the empty town and being able to go out to eat peacefully :)

  11. coffee is king(or queen)

    1. MidwesternAloha


      Is this the definition of "genderfluid"? (No disrespect to any communities of people, merely making a pun, here)

    2. TenaciousBushLeaper


      hahaha, too bad we can't +1 comments on these statuses

  12. I don't know what impedes more on my progress, depression or procrastination

    1. youngcharlie101


      You're not alone, dear friend. I was diagnosed back in November. Keep strong. Life can be beautiful. ❤️

  13. Each day my brain amazes me, I go to sleep struggling to grasp a concept, I wake up, look over the concept and BAMB, simple as pie. Ty brain.

    1. Eternal Student

      Eternal Student

      Brains are awesome! ;)

  14. Oh what does one do when overwhelmed with maths, thesis work, and manuscripts to write for grad courses?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MidwesternAloha


      Usually I just take a nap.

    3. danica1


      I second the nap.

    4. Threeboysmom


      Nap. Everything looks better after rest.

  15. I believe I am a pretty dumb person, but I'm a pretty dumb person who works his brain pretty damn hard.

    1. Taeyers


      Honestly, whether joking or not, that might just be all you need. I've seen it go a very long way. Godspeed. Besides, being able to admit being dumb about some things probably indicates that you're much smarter than many who can't.

    2. starofdawn


      I feel the same way about myself. I don't consider myself a smart person, but dammit I have a great work ethic and I always give 100%. It's gotten me this far, but not sure if it can take my all the way to a PhD.

    3. gk210


      i agree with taeyers. it takes a lot of smarts to realize that you're not that smart!

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