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  1. Settled on a place in Boston, stress & anxiety of trying to find a place before September 1st is gone. Unfortunately I'm not sure I'll get along great with this room mate

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. attackonthedoctor


      ^ So much truth with this. I understood where they were coming from but it was really annoying. What do you mean that you wouldn't be able to get along with the roommate? Two very different living styles?

    3. TenaciousBushLeaper


      I'm a keep to myself, quiet type of person. I like reading, and solving problems. This room mate is the exact opposite, on the first day he wanted to me to go 1. take a walk on the board walk, 2. go to dinner, 3. go meet his sick friend in a hospital with him, 4. go to a bar and play pool. Don't get me wrong I'm OK with some of those things but probably only one a day at most. It's a bit much for my personality type.
    4. drownsoda


      I feel/felt your pain. I spent over a month searching for a place in NY long-distance. Brokers are a nightmare. I finally found a building owner in the Bronx in a neighborhood just across the street from my school, and was able to rent a 1 bedroom directly from him for a decent price. I can't move in until the 1st though, and my first class is on the 2nd! EEK. Oh well. I'm glad your search is over. I'm more of an introvert myself and prefer living alone as well, and when I realized that I wouldn't really be saving all that much with a roommate, I decided going it alone was better. I'm the sort of person who is leery of rooming with someone I don't know, but I know many people who have done it and had a good time, even made friends. 

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