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Status Replies posted by autumnreads

  1. It's great to finally be happy and contented with my future grad school plans!

  2. Sometimes it hits me ... that I've made a decision... that I'm ACTUALLY FREAKING GOING to GRAD SCHOOL NEXT FALL!!!!

  3. That feeling when you only apply to a couple of program(me)s, and they all accept you. What an amazing feeling!

  4. Two offers of admission! Today must be my lucky day :)

  5. That awkward moment when you're un-rejected from your #1 school. Glad I only applied to 3 schools, the is a lot to handle!

  6. Is this a bad time to change my phone number? I'm trying to get over an ex, but I'm worried if the grad schools are going to contact me via phone.

  7. Accepted to UT Dallas Communication Disorders program!

  8. Got an acceptance! My first one! Amazing how much easier it is to breathe now.

  9. First acceptance! After one official rejection and another presumed, this certainly lifts a huge weight of pressure off. 7 more left!

  10. First unofficial acceptance! POI communicated me the decision! Yikes! Not such big pressure for next week's interview.

  11. After three weeks of continuous silence, an interview invite! My programs are late bloomers.

  12. First acceptance letter! Was not expecting to hear this early :)

  13. Going through a breakup and feeling so hurt. Please send me positive vibes. :)

    1. autumnreads


      take care of yourself and know that brighter times are on their way. sending positive vibes to you!!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. UCSB ACCEPTED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the TEARS OF JOY emoticon?!?!

  15. Got basically accepted to my top choice!!! Dying of happiness!!!!

  16. Interview invitation from my dream school! All that app stress suddenly seems so worth it..

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