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About SLPgurl13

  • Birthday December 18

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    Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. Hi everyone! I am currently a senior getting my bachelors in Communication Sciences and Disorders (Speech Pathology/Audiology). I am about to graduate this upcoming May but I have a small issue... My current GPA is a 2.83 and I been struggling in some of my speech classes and I realized that Speech Language Pathology is not for me anymore. However, since I am almost finish this leaves me in a little situation as I know the state I live in (New York) does not offer any SLP-A jobs whatsoever. I been stressing out on wondering what I am going to be able to do as a career after I graduate with my bachelors degree. So I been doing a lot of research and I came up with a plan but I would like other SLP students/graduates to give me some advice if this is a good route for me to do or if I should pursue something else. My plan is to graduate with my bachelors, then I was thinking about going back to school to get my Associates degree in Occupational Therapy Assistant or an Associates in Nursing to become a RN. After getting my associates in either OTA or RN I would get my masters online in a health related field that would help benefit either career I would choose such as an M.S. in Nutrition, an M.S. in Health Education or an M.S. in Public Health (or other health related master programs that are related to Nursing or OTA). So that is my plan... does anybody think this is a smart plan? Does anyone think going back to school for an Associates after receiving a Bachelors is silly? I know they have Master programs in Occupational Therapy but since I haven't done much of the prerequisites for the Master's I think that becoming an OTA will not only be faster but also financially easier on me since I have spent a lot of money on my speech bachelor's degree, plus an OTA's salary here in NY is really good and job prospects look well. I also know that there are Direct Entry MSNs for Nursing but again, I haven't done much of the prerequisites, it will cost if not more or as much as a bachelor's degree and my GPA is not very well for a direct entry masters program. So please let me know what you all think about this plan as I really been struggling to know what I am going to do as soon as I am done because I know for sure Speech Pathology is not for me anymore :-( Thanks!
  2. Hi everyone, I'm currently in my senior year of my speech pathology major. And I just been really worried lately about getting accepted into SLP graduate school, which I will be applying to next year, including worrying about taking the GREs. I really want to have some back up careers I can also apply to for a masters degree just in case I don't get into SLP grad school (which I hope I do), I'll at least have something else to fall back onto. I looked into special education but it was never in my mind to become a teacher. I also don't want to do healthcare administration but I'm open to other suggestions. Speech pathology is a competitive field and I will continue to strive and work hard to get into grad school since my GPA has been severely affected lately but I do also want to have back up plans. Is OT a good option? Again, I'm open to any ideas. Thanks in advance!
  3. I also checked to see if I can use my slp bachelor degree to transfer into an occupational therapist program but it to is competitive and has almost the same workload and classes like speech pathology too. :-\
  4. Hello guys thanks so much for all your thoughtful advice and opinions from this old post. I know it's been a while since I logged back in just I been so busy and stressed out and I'm currently on summer vacation from school. I been trying to find jobs specially jobs that will earn me good experience to become an SLP (e.g. doctor offices, daycares, babysitting, medical office jobs, nursing homes etc..) but no luck. Most of them want experience and I never had a job before. Most of u stated that having a good resume with great experience and recommendations can help give me a push into grad school but I honestly am starting to lose hope. My advisor emailed me stating I am struggling a lot and believes I should reconsider the major I choose. At first I was mad because I feel like she was putting me down and making me feel less of what potential I could have but when I thought about it for some time I realize I don't want to be like people who go to college and can't get a job in what they studied for for 4 years.. it scares me.. and i don't know if I would want to become a special ed teacher! I watched many videos on youtube on special ed teaching and regular elementary school teaching and I would be nervous to become a teacher... Before I thought about becoming an SLP I did have psychology on my mind but I knew I would need a PH.D to become a psychologist so I dropped that. I thought about nursing but now it's too late to apply for nursing school at my college and I don't have the minimum gpa requirement to get in. Now the career counselor at my college said that social working would be good for me to get into although the classes may be east but the job itself will be strssful... plus my family will shame me from going from slp to a social worker... That's another problem. I feel like I can't even switch majors because my parents are paying out of pocket for my college which is around $14;500 a year and I don't want to make them waste any more money on me going back and choosing another major. My mother already got mad at me when I told her about switching. I just don't know what to do. In case you all wondering, I go to Molloy College. I checked the other majors there and some don't fit me or they too are competitive to get into. I really need some help on knowing what to... I just decided even though I may not get into grad school.. I might as well just graduate with the bachelor's degree and try finding a different job with it. It will be tough since there aren't really any other jobs out there that will fit for a degree in slp other than slp itself and education. I technically will be wasting my time now in college but I feel like all other hope is lost.
  5. If I knew nursing was something I really wanted to do, I would of started off as a CNA but I am already in college and I can't drop out of college (family personal issues). It just would not look good on my end and would be a disgrace to my family who has been paying all this time for me in college and for me to just drop out is terrible. I want to stay in college but I'm just afraid of my future. SLP seems like a wonderful and fulfilling job to have but is it right for me? Will I be able to do it? That's what I am struggling with. One of my professor's mentioned that special education is a great field to go into with a good job outlook and my advisor said that many SLP undergrad's switched to special ed. when they found out SLP wasn't their calling. I did do some volunter work back in high school with special ed kids, It was nice and even a bit challenging but I don't know if I can do that for the rest of my life. I love to help people, and that is what I am aiming for. A job where I can make a living and also enjoy helping people in their lives. Education seems like that for me but... I guess I got more researching to do!
  6. Hi, I'm Ashley and I'm new to this website! I couldn't find a regular Speech Pathology forum for undergraduates that was as popular as this website so I decided to tell my problem in the major here with graduate students who would understand what I'm going through rather than people who are undergraduates just like me. I am currently a Sophomore in my undergraduate SLP program that I got striaight into and so far I just completed all my general education requirements and I did two of the my SLP courses so far such as, Sound & Auditory Mechanism, and Phonetics & Vocal Patterns; Now, this past 2014 Fall semster has been the worst the semester I ever had! I was doing Language Acquistion and I got a D+ in the class! (at my college you need a C or higher in your major requirements), I dropped out of Anatomy & Physiology because it was way to hard and recieved a W in the class and I also dropped out of Statistics because I was as well getting a D in class and it is a major requirement as well. I honestly could not believe I would fail Language Acquistion because I felt like I could get a C! But with all of this said, I am severly struggling with this major and the difficult classes. I have 54 credits earned so far out of 128 and I am starting to get second thoughts on if this is the right major for me! I been considering doing nursing instead but then I realized nursing is way more harder and has more anatomy classes and medical terminology to learn than SLP! I am just very worried that I now won't get into grad school if I decide to stick with doing SLP with my 2.8 GPA so far. Even my own advisor has told me I need a 3.5 or higher to get into any grad school in the world and that just frightens me and disappoints me into even why trying and wasting my time if I get my lousy GPA with my bachelor's and not even get into and grad school? What would be the point? *cries* I am asking anybody who can please help me! It's like I really want to stay in my major but at the same time it's like I keep failing the classes and I dont know if its a way of saying that this major isn't meant for me and that I have to switch (keep in mind that I have no financial aid so I would be paying out of pocke from my family who would be wasting their money on me taking classes over again and taking classes that I don't even need if im switching!) I heard that the SLP classes can be counted as electives but im stil not 100% sure if it would be a wise idea to switch majors now since I'll be a junior soon! I have talked to my advisor and she suggest that I have a plan B and that is to find another major but I honestly don't have any other majors in mind now that's avaiable at my college. I would think about occupational therapy but they don't have that at my school. The closet majors they have next to SLP is nursing (too hard), respiratory care (not what I wanted to do and only an AA for that major), psychology (not a good job outlook as I researched), social work (too little pay for master in that major; not something I wanted to do), and education (early childhood, adolescence, english teacher, etc...). Education would be the best switch from SLP but I never wanted to be a teacher! This is the struggle I am having! Please somebody help me!
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