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Everything posted by tauren

  1. Username Tauren because I am a recovering World of Warcraft nerd. And a ferret because I think they are pretty awesome.
  2. I have plenty of tattoos and would like to get more. In my department it doesn't matter so much,but I try to hide them for conferences but I don't go out of my way. For example I went to several conferences in warm locations and I wasn't going to wear long sleeve shirts and have a heat stroke to hide my wrist tattoo. Facial piercings a bit different (nose and a creative array on the ears is okay) but I think thats more so due to my specific area and how we do research. Don't want to scare the kiddies' parents away or elderly people away when you are trying to do research with them.
  3. Good luck to all as the interview season begins!
  4. SOG25, I think the biggest point you are missing on why people say JDs are not trained in research and how that applies to teaching it is because research INFORMS teaching. You will not be able to keep up with the political science literature and correct aspects of the broad theoretical courses if you have no foundational knowledge or even know where to be looking to gain such knowledge. You won't be able to help undergraduate grasp the field let alone having your own graduate students form their own research and foundational knowledge if you do not have any of it yourself. Law school does not train you about political science, theory, and the varying aspects of research that are necessary for you to have a grasp of in order to teach it to others and to be an expert in the field.
  5. You've obviously never had to prep for a course then.
  6. I understand how you feel. I didn't do well this semester (my first semester in my phd program). It's really getting me down especially since I went to this school for undergrad and somehow I feel like I am letting everyone down. I am trying to be optimistic about next semester's endeavors though.
  7. In my program the majority come in straight from undergrad. In my cohort a couple didn't but it is common for people to come from undergrad in my department in general.
  8. I had about a year's worth of research experience and worked in 2 very different labs. I, also, completed an honor's thesis on data I collected and presented a poster at a conference on preliminary results. My GPA at the time of application was a 3.2 (bad freshman year) but my major gpa was a 3.8 or 3.9 I think. I took the GRE twice because I boomed it the first time (combined ~700) and took a second time and received a 1110. My stats are not particularly impressive which probably got my app thrown out at some schools that use GPA and GRE scores strictly to weed people out. I got into 2 very good developmental programs , one of which I considered a very big reach (Cornell) and an up and coming Social psych program. The schools I did get into I had wonderful research fits and career goal fits and I believe those that looked at my CV and personal statement accepted me. I am a big proponent of fit, always make sure there is fit.
  9. Generally, yes. When I got accepted to programs I got an acceptance letter from the university and the department. The university just makes sure you meet the bare minimums that you require. I think its more of a formality than anything else.
  10. I applied to 6 phds(3 social, 1 biobehavioral health, 2 developmental) and a masters. I got 3 acceptances from the phd programs(both developmental and a social) and withdrew from the masters.
  11. I am currently a first year in a life-span developmental psychology program. I would be willing to answer any of your questions or anyone else who wanders into this thread, as best as I can.
  12. Monday: Child Development: 1-215 Infant Development: 2:30-3:45 COntemporary Issues in Psych.: 4-5 Tuesday: Stats: 10-11:15 Professional Issues in Dev. Psych: 11:30-12:30 Wednesday: Child Development: 1-215 Infant Development: 2:30-3:45 Lab meeting ( alternating Wednesdays): 4-5 Thursday Stats: 10-11:15 Developmental Reading Lunch Group (alternating thursdays): 11:30-12:30 I lucked out and am not required to teach due to my fellowship. I most likely will volunteer teach after my first year. In regards to comps, my program takes it the summer between 2nd and third year.
  13. My undergraduate research wasn't even in the same area in psychology that I wanted to go into. I explained that while I had been doing research in area A, I found that I am particularly more interested in area B. I wasn't questioned about it. Professors understand that you can't always find research experiences exactly matching the area you want to go into. The important thing is that you have good research experience under your belt.
  14. Why not get both? It never hurts to get an extra letter in case something happens in the mail or due to some other circumstances to another LOR.
  15. I'm all registered . I got a packet of the courses I need to register for about 2 weeks ago. I've ordered and received the required texts for the courses, now twiddling my thumbs.
  16. I wanted to say congratulations on getting into UNC!

  17. Is there anyway you can just have the other professor as a co-advisor or be able to work in the lab as your secondary lab?
  18. Life-Span Developmental Psychology PhD, West Virginia University
  19. I'll be attending West Virginia University.. Glad to finally have made a decision lol
  20. Has anyone made any finals decisions? I am so excited that I have
  21. Thanks guys..I guess I will scratch Rutgers and Kent State off my list
  22. Has anyone heard anything from Rutgers or Kent State? Any info would be appreciated
  23. Its in campus for the Feb 26-27. I think it may have been a mass email it was from Bonnie Biata because it didnt have my name specifically. I received emails from Anthony Ong and Dr. Loeckenhoff right after those emails saying that they could answer any questions I had about the visit.
  24. Received Cornell invite, POI Corinna Loeckenhoff
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