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    2015 Fall

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  1. Does anyone know when the public announcement will be made? I'd like to tell some people my results but the letter said to wait...
  2. Finally got my letter!! Category A with 18.3/20. Needless to say, I am in shock in the best way possible. This forum was a super helpful source of information and support so I'd like to thank all the people who answered my questions And of course, best of luck to those who will be reapplying next year.
  3. Still no letter in London Ontario. This is ridiculous
  4. Thanks to those who answered my question about publications. I'm wrapping up a one year MA in the humanities and it's nice to think that the committee might take that into consideration when reviewing my research contributions (i.e. no peer-reviewed publications other than in undergrad journals).
  5. Just out of curiosity - has anyone here been awarded a SSHRC without any publications?
  6. Thanks Anthrogal. I hope so too! Good luck to you getting off the waitlist
  7. I'm in London as well, and still no letter. I'm hoping it still might be delivered today (no other mail) but at this point it's 4pm so I should probably give up hope. Sigh.
  8. I know some students who co-authored an article with their mentor/supervisor/trusted professor who took them under their wing. It's rare but some professors will be willing to do that for particularly keen young students. Other than that, I think it would be much easier to publish in an undergraduate or graduate journal. For example, I have 5 publications in undergraduate journals; not worth too much, but better than nothing!
  9. ^ That seems to be what the email respondents implied ("by the end of the week"). Although there's no way to know for sure, they were correct about the letters being mailed so I think they will be correct about the results being posted online.
  10. Sorry to read that, jeenyus Better luck next year.
  11. Congrats beebop! That's amazing
  12. Another day, another lack of news (so far). I know I shouldn't post because there's nothing new to say, but this is the only group of people who aren't sick of my rambling about the sshrc. It's nice to know there are others waiting in anticipation, as well.
  13. This is great! Best of luck everybody
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