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Everything posted by busybeinganxious

  1. Thanks everybody. And thanks for the job offer at the gas station....though I'm not really open for international travel for a job...even such a prestigious one. I'm thinking I'm on the line between acceptance and rejection as well. Mind you, the school in question has a terminal Master's program I didn't apply to...maybe they're debating bumping me there? I dunno. And if it WAS the coyotes I hope it gave them tummy aches.
  2. Ok, not really. I emailed the department about two weeks ago and was told all decisions were forwarded to the graduate school. I waited until today and emailed the graduate school and said, very nicely with self-deprecating humor included, "If I'm rejected please tell me so I can start looking for a job." Got "We haven't gotten answers on 5 or 6 applications, and you're one of them" as a response from the graduate school admissions office. My husband views this as a positive...he thinks I'm on a short unofficial waitlist. I view this as my application being misplaced somehow...perhaps as it was shared around for laugh by a stressed out admissions committee, or it got lost in interdepartmental mail somehow, or coyotes ate it. Thoughts? Commiserations? Job offers for me due to my ability to retain a sense of humor under stress?
  3. I have 5 children. I have should have satisfied my maternal urges in spades. My youngest two are 12 (yeah, twins...) That said, the cooing, "oh-babies-are-cute" thing still happens every so often. I think in part that's a biological reflex honestly. I am NOT having any more kids. EVER. I love my kids more than I could possibly say, but want no more diaper duty, sleepless nights or sore nipples. A good number of my age cohort are doing the 2nd family thing either with their original spouse, or with a new one. My reaction is still "No thanks." What I'm trying to say, albiet ham-handedly is that maternal (or paternal) twinges happen from time to time for almost everyone. Wisdom lies in realizing the difference between a twinge, and a real desire for parenthood for lack of better terms. Babies are a pain in the ass. Toddlers are the same (though more entertaining). Young children are like toddlers much of the time. Tweens and teenagers revert to baby status (PITA). Were my kids worth it? Absolutely. Would I recommend the same path (IE having biological or any children) for everyone? Oh hells no. Feeling guilt, or questioning yourself over not wanting kids ever or not wanting kids "now" is fruitless. If you don't want 'em, don't second guess it too much. Live a happy life as someone without them, or at least for the time being. The take away? Babies are like puppies. They're always cutest when they belong to somebody else.
  4. Graduation fee? Do you get to skip that one if you don't attend and pay them a buck to mail you the diploma?? I have begun treading water in the Cynicism Sea. (The water is cold, ice cold.)
  5. So I wasn't the one asked, but have a few crock Indian recipes. I actually chuck them in there the night before, pop the crock in the fridge overnight, and then put it on in the morning. I don't care for Thai much, so can't help on that score! (I don't like coconut which pretty much kills Thai.) On all these I disregard the directions other than ingredients (I do play with those as well) and just chuck it all in raw. I DO however freeze tofu as soon as I buy it and defrost it as needed. It really does alter the texture quite a lot. http://www.yummly.com/recipe/external/Tofu-Keema-Allrecipes http://www.budgetbytes.com/2013/12/curried-chickpeas-spinach/ http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/potato-pea-curry-recipe0.html Not Indian, but pretty cheap, easy and a hit with my whole family which includes several carnivores.... http://www.veganmotherhubbard.com/2013/04/crock-pot-tofu-and-veggies.html I don't use mushrooms as I'm allergic and sub in whatever I have handy. Hope someone enjoys at least one of them!
  6. wet blanket
  7. I called both the programs I applied to yesterday. My opening statement to both was essentially "Hi, I applied to your graduate program and I have yet to hear anything. Should I start looking for a job or is there still hope?" Both are still making decisions... One did email me later with the news that a specific person with a real sounding name would get back to me by the end of the week. I'm kind of taking it for granted it'll be bad news...if it were good wouldn't the assistant have said? Ah well, I just need to know either way so I can focus for more than 5 minutes without checking my email.
  8. I was in a post office line with Skeet Ulrich once when he was apparently still very well known for Scream. I had NO idea who he was (had to IMDB his name just now)...but was looking at him out the corner of my eye as he was wearing a very unusual hat that looked as though he had cut the sleeve off a t-shirt and popped in on as a cap. He was very chatty with the post office clerk who was babbling about a picture in her daughters room. It was eventually my turn, and when I walked up she said "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT WAS???" I said "Your daughter's prom date?" I was corrected rather vigorously. That's my closest brush unless you count an almost phone call from Paul Buchanan who was having a drink at the same pub as my now husband.
  9. Yup, gross song for sure. Weird Al's spoof of it is great though! (Word Crimes)
  10. letter opener
  11. I'm just not seeing a great deal of action on this section of the forum, or on the results search for this week. I'm not saying none, just not many. I haven't heard diddly personally from either of the schools I've applied to, and very little has been posted on this site as far as results either way for both. (UVA AND GMU for the record, in case any one wants to put me out of my misery or commiserate...either would be welcome at this stage!)
  12. I don't fall into either of your categories, but I married an immigrant and would recommend posting your link to www.visajourney.com. It's a forum dedicated to people trying to wind their way through the immigration system to be reunited with loved ones. You might have decent luck there!
  13. If you aren't opposed to 2nd hand earrings, pawn shop diamond studs would be about 1/2 (or less) of retail prices. A decent bag for school isn't really a treat imo...it's something you need to look professional.
  14. I have a bottle of raspberry lambic in reserve for either my first rejection or acceptance. In case of acceptance I get a new laptop as my present one has a dodgy screen, ports that don't always work, and general old age issues. In case of rejections all around my consolation prize is a job somewhere...I hope. I'd prefer the new laptop...just saying.
  15. Serious issues
  16. Depends on why you're asking. Worried about the courses you've taken? Yes take a stats course. Worried over the GRE? Take maths at an upper algebra level, preferrably one that includes a refresher on geometry.
  17. I feel your pain. The eastern snow had a lot to do with the delays in my case I think....both schools I applied to are in Virginia.
  18. perfect pitch
  19. Fridays stink worse than a roadkill skunk. I can't even look forward to Monday as next week is spring break for the schools I applied to. F*ckity f*ckity f*ck f*ck f*ck.
  20. It's generally diagnosed by a MD. (Sorry, couldn't help myself.)
  21. mountain dew
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