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Everything posted by busybeinganxious

  1. I was debating a 3rd school, but it would be at least a 90 minute drive one way (more with traffic) and I just wasn't excited about the program. It seemed silly to apply in the end. My current thinking is that if I don't get in anywhere I may do a master's just to keep a toe in the door. Course, if I don't get funded that means a job..which in turn means school will be part time....which in turn means I could potentially become a grandmother before becoming a PhD. Now where did I leave that corkscrew......
  2. Thank you so much everyone! I'm picking my choices to bits in my head right now, and this was but one of the things I started double (or quadruple) guessing myself on.
  3. Reality TV..in pretty much any form.
  4. I've noticed that it a great many folks have applied to an impressive number of schools. I was restricted not only by geography (I can't move...I have a kid that's a Senior next year!) but by the fact I wanted to study at a school that seemed to "fit" with my interests. The result? I applied to 2. I readily admit there were financial considerations attached as well, but now I'm now wondering if I should have applied to a couple of more, even if I had no intent of attending just to list more schools on my applications. Anybody else even kind of in this boat?
  5. I use yahoo email, but only for personal stuff, and as my default for things I suspect will generate spam. I've never had an issue with it.
  6. Culture and gender, with a hopeful feeler out for sociology of aging.
  7. I signed up for a swim class...I'm pretty unfit and thought it would prove to be a distraction. Now I just hurt as I click refresh.
  8. As I'm watching email and my phone like a hawk no less than five numbers, with area codes I'm not familiar with, call me within 18 hours. 1 telemarketer, 2 hang-ups, and 2 weird clicky beepy ones. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I apologize to the universe.
  9. Getting together sounds like a plan to me. I think most of us could use the moral support (myself included!)
  10. I'm on Friday morning too....and nearly pee my pants nervous. My sponsor has suggested a few cheap or free entertainment ideas for New Orleans during down time...I'm happy to share if you're interested.
  11. I've started wondering if they keep track of how many times I check to see if my status has changed. Rejected due to overzealous webpage checking?
  12. Does using the word "like" inappropriately and far too frequently count? This is in class, sometimes while making a presentation.
  13. At this point I just want to know. If I'm rejected from the programs I applied to, fine. It will suck, but s*it happens. Just let me know so I can start planning my next step. I HATE limbo. To say I get irritable while playing "hurry up and wait" is an understatement of epic proportions. Crap x 1,000.
  14. Yup, I just do the work myself too. Makes me nuts, but it is completely pointless to try and get some people to work at all, much less do quality stuff. I WILL however, happily throw slackers under the bus when it comes to peer reviews. I give positive reviews to those that at least try to pull their weight, but have no patience with those that expect others to do their work.
  15. I suspect quite a few people aim high because if they don't they'll wonder for years what would have happened if they had.
  16. I'm another "non-traditional" student at what feels (today) like an ancient 39 years old. 5 kids 18-12, with one already in college, a very patient husband, a mortgage, 2 cats, and a dog. No partridges in pear trees, but that could be due to the climate. 3 1/2 years ago I started essentially from scratch regarding higher education, and barring any serious complications will be graduating this spring with a BA in Sociology. I've been lucky in dealing with my younger cohorts. I've been surrounded by (mostly) a great group of young people. I admit to disliking group work, largely because I like to frontload, and that habit seems to be absent in many students...even the ones I've met that are similiar in age to myself. But really...does ANYONE like group assignments? Regarding friendships outside of class...I've socialized a bit with some of the young'uns, but find that their socializing hours generally conflict with family responsibilities. My kids have full schedules which involve a great deal of running on my part, and DH has unpredictable hours. I have had some really nice chats on campus between classes, and find that I'm pretty content with that. Anyway, really glad to see I'm not the only one feeling the age pinch...sometimes it sucks the big one. One kid very kindly informed me I wasn't old enough to be his mom...she was born in '73....he didn't know I was born in '75.
  17. I'm doing a roundtable presentation. Anyone else going to be there?
  18. I think most of the posters are PhD candidates....(myself included) I could be wrong...I'm a lowly lurker most of the time.
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