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Everything posted by ngdt

  1. Be still my heart (and hands).
  2. Knowing that we're in the same boat made me so happy! I have a toddler, too, and have been feeling the same way.
  3. And I got my BA in 2006, my MA in 2011. My MA was actually in ICE, but I've pivoted to Education Data Science (EDS) in recent years. Speaking of EDS, I heard that Stanford was expecting a lot of applications for EDS this year. I'm surprised that I've only come across 2-3 EDS applicants on this forum.
  4. You and me both, gvjcb1000000. This is my 2nd time too. And last I checked, I'm not getting any younger. Feedback would be so helpful, not to mention good for closure.
  5. Sorry for the slew of posts this morning, but just one more. To those of us who experienced any sort of self doubt (and probably a bunch of other emotions) after applying, I'd like to share one of my favorite quotes by Teddy Roosevelt: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Can't say we didn't try, right?
  6. This is my first time ever participating in an online forum. And seeing how supportive and fun this group is, I'm like...I've been missing out on this all my life?! But then come to think of it, not to toot our own horn or anything :), I think stanford education applicants are a select group of people.
  7. Yep! Pretty much the story of my life right now. The refresh button is my new best friend.
  8. I used to check the portal all the time, too! Then I realized that I could still access my (rejected) application from a few years ago. That application still says "submitted." ? So my best guess is that we'll hear via email, which was also how I received the decision last time. Update: just realized that my comment only applies to rejected applications. I don't know how those lucky few who were admitted got their decision. Maybe/hopefully by carrier pigeons like @FreeZapata mused.
  9. So sorry to hear, Toyo. That must be so frustrating. But given all the weird GRE/TOEFL status updates many of us are experiencing, I bet/hope your case is also just another systems error. What status do you see when you first log in, in the top right corner of the gray box?
  10. Thanks! That's a reassuring response. That was what I was thinking/hoping, too.
  11. Your sincerity, compassion, and humility are apparent in your messages on this forum. Your students are lucky to have you as their teacher. And Stanford would be lucky to have you in their community. I wish Stanford could see your messages here and know what a great candidate they're getting! I wish you all the best, with the Stanford decision and beyond!
  12. I see "submitted" on the main page, when I first log into the application. But when I click on "view checklist", I see "complete" under the application status.
  13. A PHD EDS applicant here. No, I haven't heard anything either. I did hear through the grapevine from a professor that it's a very competitive program given that it's new. Plus, the person who posted on the results page said that their interviewer said they're working through a long list of potential candidates. I wouldn't have expected that since, like you, I haven't come across many people on these forums who are applying to the program. But I guess professors' and interviewers' insider info trumps my eyeballing counts on forums .
  14. Same here...I haven't seen any specifically for EDS or edu policy.
  15. Thanks for checking! That is strange. I tried calling Stanford graduate admissions about my case, and they directed me to GSE admissions, which has been nonresponsive ever since I submitted my application.
  16. Thanks for checking!! I applied to PhD, SHIPS data science.
  17. Thank goodness for this thread. Knowing that there are others who are also incessantly checking email/website/application/sanity actually does make me feel better. I have a specific question: on my application checklist, under GRE score status, it says "received (official)." But I didn't take the GRE this year. I did take it a little more than 5 years ago (when I applied and got rejected, wah wah). The strange thing is that those scores from 5 years ago should no longer be valid, so not sure how they were able to pull them. I was wondering whether that was a technical fix on their part to get the application into completed status since the GRE was required in previous years. Anyone else not take the GRE but seeing "received (official)" on their application checklist? I emailed the admissions office to ask, but no response. Thanks!
  18. I think it varies by program. I've definitely heard of/know people who got into Stanford PhD (and specifically the ICE program) without ever interviewing.
  19. Is anyone still able to log back into their account? I used to be able to log in the same way I logged in to complete the application, but that link is no longer available. I'm asking because I sometimes see people saying they got their decision (not necessarily from Stanford) on the portal.
  20. If I remember correctly, I think mine went into completed status since late December. I've had a couple of questions for the admissions office since then but haven't gotten any responses. The wait is killing me! Thank goodness for this forum. Did anyone here apply for their new PHD in data science program? I saw a couple of interviews for ed PhDs on the results page. Fingers crossed that I haven't missed the boat.
  21. Unfortunately, I think camly91 might be right. I didn't get an interview, and I don't see the Decision Status note either. Thanks for taking the time to show us exactly where to look for the information.
  22. I applied to SHIPS, too. I didn't contact my POI for the same reasons you guys mentioned. I haven't heard anything either :/ just tell us already! I contacted a few professors from Harvard and got an email back from an assistant saying that the professor would prefer to not speak to prospective students.
  23. I applied to EPPE and haven't heard anything either. Congrats to all those who received the interview invite!
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