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Everything posted by interista

  1. I'm assuming that we didn't get in, considering Chicago already sent out wait-list notifications, but there might be a slim chance they'll send out admits later.
  2. Get an iPod or CD player to distract you, and play around with the pace and/or elevation to mix things up. I'm a pretty serious runner, and most other runners think I'm crazy for running on the treadmill. But we had 2 feet of snow yesterday so I didn't have much of an option!
  3. This thread has ceased to be a distraction! Let's get it back on topic. I pounded 10 miles on the treadmill in 54 minutes yesterday after hearing of my likely rejection from Chicago.
  4. My guess would be that certain subfields (theory, comparative) have notified admitted and waitlisted, but others haven't notified anyone yet.
  5. I think it's a form letter sent out to all applicants in the social sciences division; some history and soc applicants posted info on the results page saying that they received it as well. So it got sent out to the poli sci applicants even though the department had already informally notified admitted and wait-listed students.
  6. anyone else just receive this email from Chicago? "We have forwarded your application to our admissions committee in the Department of Political Science, and are in the midst of making the complex and difficult selections from among a large number of highly qualified applicants...The Division of the Social Sciences will release official admissions decisions in early March..." if acceptances and wait-list decisions went out yesterday, why is Chicago giving us false hope? that's pretty cold...
  7. I don't know...I think we all need a bit of luck, and I wouldn't count yourself out just yet. I have pretty solid stats from a "top-10" liberal arts college and recs from respected professors (all three of whom I developed close relationships with), but I'm 0 for 3 right now with HYP lurking on the horizon. And for some reason, everyone seems to have applied to Georgetown, my "safety," though it's not much of a safety for theory. But I'm holding out hope because there's a good chance that the three schools that rejected me might not be looking for someone with my specific interests. I'm not sure how much one can assume a Yale rejection from a Duke rejection (or a Columbia rejection from a Northwestern rejection). While I think it's a bit of a cop-out to describe the application process as "arbitrary" beyond a certain point (e.g. selecting between two applicants with 3.8+ major GPA, 1500+ GRE and strong recs), it makes sense that such decisions are made on the basis of whose interests align with those of the faculty. Or maybe my profs secretly wrote me horrible recs
  8. Nah, I graduated last year from a small liberal arts college outside of the city. But I've taken classes at Penn, and I still get emails from them.
  9. We had only 7 inches yesterday, but we're expecting another foot today.
  10. Toronto sent out acceptances in mid-March last year and rejections in mid-April (!)
  11. UPenn is closed today, and I imagine Princeton is as well. I think that we could still hear from Yale though, since the storm is centered more around Philadelphia.
  12. For all the theorists out there (there seems to be a lot on this board). Some of you may have seen this; it was posted on the prospective grad student section of the Political Theory Rumor Mill. It's from a survey of 1,086 theorists teaching in the United States, and includes non-US universities (Toronto, LSE): http://www.calpoly.e...%20%28D1%29.pdf (school rankings are on page 13) Top 15 (in order): Princeton, Harvard, Chicago, Berkeley, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Duke, Notre Dame, Northwestern, Boston College, Texas, UCLA, Columbia, Georgetown, WashU
  13. Just got an e-mail from Duke, so I immediately clicked on the link, titled "Admitted Students," went nuts and called my mom, dad and brother to tell them I had been accepted, then saw the other link, which directed me to a rejection letter. Oh well...
  14. says the guy who's tired of academic elitism on this forum? lol, just busting your balls...thanks for posting this. where did you find the complete rankings? us news' website just displays the top 10.
  15. Maybe this is just limited to political theory, but it seems to me that subfield strength is infinitely more important than overall departmental strength in terms of placement. For instance, a graduate of Chicago is much more likely to get a job teaching theory at a top program than a graduate of Michigan or Stanford. If I were applying to study theory, I would choose Hopkins over MIT in a heartbeat, even though MIT is a "top 10" program and Hopkins is ranked 39th by US News.
  16. cut us some slack, we are all mad stressed about these decisions...especially those of us who are still waiting for our first one!
  17. It's only two acceptances. Stay hopeful; acceptances were sent out over the course of a few days last year. Congrats to those admitted - Northwestern sounds like a great place. I sense a boatload of decisions tomorrow... correction: three acceptances correction: four acceptances. alright, I'm pretty sure we didn't get in.
  18. alert, alert, a northwestern acceptance just went out...
  19. Two on this forum, one on the results page. I'm holding out hope that Duke isn't done accepting students yet.
  20. Hopefully we won't hear from Yale until next week. The past two years they've sent out rejections on Friday, then acceptances the following Monday (with a few exceptions).
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