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About BLeonard

  • Birthday 01/20/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    20th century literature, American literature, culture and trauma, genre studies, Civil War and Reconstruction.
  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    MFA - Creative Writing - Fiction

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  1. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    Yup, got that rejection from NYU. I knew it was a super long shot but boy did I really want it there near the end.
  2. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    Between the waitlist e-mails and the conflicting information about decisions being made at NYU, I'm oscillating between hope and preparing myself for rejection. I have been told, but have not been able to confirm, that there is a very, very small group they admit who don't get any tuition funding at all (usually employees of the university, which I am, and so my tuition would be covered anyway), but I'm not optimistic about this. Congrats to everyone who got in - I always find this to be a supportive and wonderful community! If anyone has any questions about NYU/NYC generally, please do reach out.
  3. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    I was sleep-drunk liking while walking my dog! Meanwhile, more NYUs are showing up on Grad Cafe. Looks like they're doing fully funded first.
  4. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    @BananaPancakes There was at least one thing on Draft where a poster said that they got into Iowa AND NYU, got a ton of comments asking to see their SOP, and then changed their post to say that they hadn't gotten in at all and that it was mean people were asking for an SOP. Then that post was deleted, so keep that in mind when calculating. I also think Canada, b/c of visas and what not, counts as International.
  5. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    Based on the TGC listing, it's international. My spouse seemed to indicate that they might be - might be - calling international students first.
  6. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    @pdh12 , where are you seeing that. I'm not seeing anything on Draft - it seems like Poetry went out, but not Fiction - or Grad Cafe.
  7. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    I never answer a number I don't recognize, but I did it at least once today. False alarm!
  8. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    Congrats, @manandcamel!
  9. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    TFW you see the first calls for NYU going out....
  10. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    I just joined Draft thanks to this thread - like two days ago. Hoo boy, that fictional SOP was something.
  11. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    I hear you on this. I've actually been thinking a lot about my own fiction, starting a bunch of small projects, but nothing that I can commit to. I have three short stories and a couple of novel/novella I've started but lost interest in. And I haven't read a new book since January! I'm going on vacation next week so hopefully I'll be able to reset. @slouching, I'm sorry you're having a tough time with rejections. If it helps, I applied to about as many PhD programs in 2015, and was waiting for months with rejection after rejection until I finally got in some place! I try and keep an open mind and tell myself that you don't know until you know.
  12. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    Congrats to those who have heard, and thanks for the tip about Draft on FB! Having one of those real freak-outs today about grad school. I didn't think I wanted this as much as I now do...when this process started I was pretty chill, but now that programs are rolling out acceptances I'm freaking. out. How is everyone else doing?
  13. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    Good luck to everyone, and good luck to those who are channeling their tension into creative projects!
  14. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    SAME. Desk jobs - I love mine, but it leads to constant refreshing.
  15. BLeonard

    Fall 2017 MFA

    I'm more nervous about this whole thing than I thought I would be...I keep checking my status to see if there are any updates. How is everyone else doing?
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