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Status Updates posted by MidwesternAloha

  1. Opinions on attending programs with no TA requirement? (fully funded, though)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Catria


      My current masters program is like this...

    3. MidwesternAloha


      Well, then. Glad to see it's as good as it sounded!! I was thinking it would look detrimental on job apps, but, not too worried about it now!

    4. MathCat


      I think if you're looking for academic jobs after, you definitely want to try to get some teaching experience. It would be nice to have it not be required, though.

  2. Flying out for my first interview today... Haven't slept all night. Nervous/excited. Maybe I should pack...

  3. Praying for the moment I can quit this job... Interviews, hurry up!

  4. What are the acceptance rates post-interview for most non-top-20 schools?

    1. jujubea


      ..It varies widely.

    2. ss2player


      Sadly, it really is all over the place. Even among top-20s, some invite a bunch and accept less than 50%, others will only invite people they intend to accept.

    3. MidwesternAloha


      Interesting. Thanks!

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