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Posts posted by MidwesternAloha

  1. I was notified a week ago from a professor in the program I applied to (who I had been in contact with, but was not on the admissions committee this year) that she had spoken to the head of the admissions committee and that she "thinks I'm at the top of the waitlist" and that I "will likely receive an offer before the 15th", but then she explicitly said she doesn't know more than that, and can offer no certainty.


    I haven't heard anything since then. I tried not to, but I've been really been over-analyzing this message. It would be really helpful to get an objective take on that. Is she saying that I am going to be admitted, and if that's the case, why are they waiting so long to let me know?


    Last year the program admitted one student (!) and I was rejected outright, I'm wondering if maybe it has to do with funding? This is the only program I applied to so I can technically wait as long as possible, but of course it's pretty miserable to do that.


    I do not think she is implying any certainty to the message.  I think the professor is being politely optimistic for you, not to be confused with false hope.  If you are to be admitted, you haven't been notified because your spot is dependent on the declination of other offers.  If no one declines their offer, you won't get that spot.  You may also be elsewhere on the "list", despite your professor's speculations.  I apologize if this comes over harsh.  I do think we need to be realistic at this point even though we're all pulling our hair out.  Also, consider the fact that some of the top applicants may be holding out/still deliberating and won't respond/reject their excess offers til the very last minute (meaning an even-more-very-last-minute acceptance for you.)  Stay strong! :)

  2. I was told last week that I "certainly still have a shot" and would be receiving an email by the end of the week (i.e. last week). I haven't heard anything - can I email back to check in or is that pestering?


    Good luck to everyone still waiting.


    Just hang in there.  The AdComs are SWAMPED right now.  They won't forget you.  I know it's tough, but bear with it.  I was told by multiple schools I'd have answers on certain dates, and they always came days/weeks later.

  3. Are you okay with the level of debt you would accrue taking the unfunded offer?  I assume you would have to take out loans, and please forgive me if I made a false assumption.  Would you be happy at the Catholic school?  I am a huge supporter of starting over someplace new when the opportunity presents itself.  There's no reason to stay where you have all the reminders of heartbreak, etc.

  4. Tattoos are generally not an issue, anymore.  Once you've sealed the deal and gained acceptance somewhere, you don't have to "impress" them as much. You can always conceal it for important events, later.

  5. Hi everyone!


    I am a Graduate student in my first year.  I currently live in an apartment in New Tampa, which is about 10-15 minutes north of campus and is a much nicer and safer area.  My roommate is moving out, and I am looking for someone to move in at the end of summer.  I would prefer a Graduate student, because graduate life is crazy and I would like a quiet roommate.  I would love to send pictures of my place and provide more information to anyone who is interested.



    Megan R.

    Sending you a pm, Megan!

  6. So I have an acceptance now from a school I'd go to before the one that I'm waitlisted at. Should I have myself removed from the list or just leave it?

    I would let the 2nd place school know as soon as possible that you won't be attending. There's still time for them to send out an acceptance to someone on their Waitlist. That being said, make sure you're confident in your decision.
  7. The professor from a program that accepted me keeps ignoring my emails.

    I'm flying halfway across the country for visitation day. I will be at the airport in 12 hours and I have NO idea who is picking me up at the airport, where I am staying, and where I have to report to at what times. Again, the chair and the secretary keeps ignoring my damn email.

    Have you tried calling?

  8. Cobra is usually only a good option for a select group of people - people who have pre existing conditions and don't want a gap in coverage (because that previously disqualified them from being covered under their next plans). I'd look into marketplace options like the other posted suggested or just go without and pay out of pocket should you need to go to a doctor.

  9. I was not given any indication about my status on the wait-list, only that it is a "short list" and that any offers extended to those on it were dependent on offers declined by their first choice candidates.  It did not seem very encouraging, nor was there any mention that I was "high" on this list or had any elevated chances compared to the others.

    This notification was also given to me only after I inquired about the status of my application.


    To be very honest, it doesn't sound very hopeful to me.  I assume that if I were a priority waitlister, they would have at least hinted at a ranking or encouraged me to stick around.

    I would try not to overanalyze it.  Their response could be generic, one they send to anyone who asks about that topic, or maybe the writer was just in a blah mood when they hit reply.  I wouldn't take it as an indicator of anything.  The school I am waitlisted at outright told us they do not rank people on the waitlist and will not give any info regarding waitlist size, etc.

  10. Texas calling Florida crazy is like North Dakota calling Minnesota cold.

    My friend from Vermont informed me of a game he used to play called, "Florida, Ohio or Arizona" where you look up hilarious/weird news articles and people guess whether it's from FL, OH or AZ.


    I was not amused. (Ohioan)

  11. I don't at all think that Raleigh has a slow lifestyle. I am from the south. It is pretty divided depending on whether you are in a larger city or country. In places like Raleigh and Charlotte, the population is going to be made up of people from all over the country/world who relocated for job opportunities. Basically, the culture will be similar to any other city outside of the south. If you drive for an hour in any direction then you will hit cotton and corn fields. Many people in these areas have lived there their whole lives. These are the sort of areas that fit into the southern stereotypes.

    I agree with this poster. Raleigh's demographics are a lot like any other big city. A lot of young professionals and people who moved to NC from somewhere else. I swear I meet more Midwesterners in NC than I do back home. The suburbs are pretty mixed, too. They joke that Cary stands for "containment area for relocated Yankees", but it's a very nice town. The big cities are fast paced hubs and the rest of NC is very rural. Everything is convenient, though. You can go to the beach/ocean or go skiing in the same day.

  12. I'm coming from a STEM field (math/physics) with somewhat basic programming experience (C/python/matlab).   I am interested in scientific computing and visualization, and am not necessarily looking to become a professor. I've visited both NCSU and Utah and am torn about which one to choose!



    Pro: dedicated Scientific Computing Institute, Beautiful location, friendly faculty, 

    Cons:  Other side of the country from me, geographically isolated, wasn't especially clear on the corporate connections.



    Pro: staggering industry connections, slower lifestyle, apparent work/life balance, "normal" students

    Cons: not sure about who I would work with


    Both schools have offered me first-year fellowships and the financial awards are roughly the same. NCSU still requires me to TA, whereas Utah does not.  Anyone have any insight?  I almost feel like I'm down to flipping a coin.


    Not sure where you came up with NCSU having a "slower lifestyle" but you do know that SAS was created by an NCSU graduate, right?  Raleigh is in the heart of the Triangle/Research Triangle area and there's a TON of computer success here.  Raleigh is also the #4 "best city to live" in America (they will make sure you know that, lol). 

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