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Everything posted by scisl006

  1. Sometimes programs wait to let you know about funding until later, but many also include that with your acceptance letter. If you decide to reach out via email, I suggest first thanking them for the acceptance and letting them know how excited you are about the prospect of attending and then asking if funding decisions are still pending. Good luck!
  2. I am a recent SLP grad who just got her CCCs. I remember being in this exact same position! While it can be true that funding is hard to come by, I applied to a TON of scholarships and actually ended up having my entire program paid for. Both through my University as well as some outside programs. Many graduate programs have general scholarships for all grad students to apply to so that is worth looking into as well. I also participated in the LEND program while in grad school which was not only an amazing experience but also provided a nice stipend which helped pay for school. You could definitely look into if that is an option for your program. Other scholarships to look for are the Sertoma Communicative Disorders scholarship, ASHA scholarships, and Voice Aerobics. Just make sure you write an awesome essay. Here are some tips if you are interested. I also babysat and looked at the random odd jobs that were posted on the university job board and picked up a bit more work there. Babysitting was the best though because it pays well and families are generally flexible. Plus sometimes kids were in bed, and I could even study. Good luck! You got this. It is so worth it in the end when you are an SLP :)
  3. Jen! I was just about to comment the same thing. I feel it is my duty to support people who were in our position to survive the gradcafe addict life.
  4. If you get accepted to UNM, you should definitely come here. I am a first year and love it so so much! The bilingual program is also amazing!!
  5. University of Minnesota Duluth
  6. It is DEFINITELY still worth applying. A 3.5 is not a bad GPA and the GRE is just one part of the application process. Most schools will take all things into account when selecting applicants. In addition, if you are really worried about the GRE, there are some schools that don't even require it. I'm not sure where you are looking but I know my undergrad university, the University of Minnesota Duluth doesn't even want you to send in GRE scores because they realize it doesn't reflect what someone is actually capable of in this field. Good luck! Definitely still apply.
  7. ^^ that is the prompt I answered. I would guess they would keep it the same for this year or at least close to the same.
  8. But I would wait to make any major decisions until you have been in school for at least a semester of two. If you transfer after only a year you will very likely be able to graduate on time with few problems. As I said, I transferred twice and graduated in 4 years with a double major. You can do it! Feel free to message me if you have any more questions. and good luck!! speech is a great field!
  9. I started out college thinking I was going to go into engineering, didn't like it and transferred to a small liberal arts college after one semester. While I was there I decided to do speech and so I ended up transferring again. It might seem hard at the time but I feel like if after a year of general classes (which you will need at any university) you still feel SLP is the field for you, a transfer might be your best bet. It is not impossible to get in as an out of field applicant, but considering how competitive it is in general to get into grad school, I would say if this is your passion, it is worth switching schools for.
  10. you should join the facebook group if you haven't already! UNM SLP Class of 2017
  11. Bowling Green State in Ohio has tons of funding!! Usually at least half of people get a scholarship/GA and sometimes its even more than that.
  12. I didn't read through this whole thread to see what others said but here is what I did. I wrote all my personal statements in the summer as well as got together packets for everyone from whom I was requesting a LOR. I put my resume, transcripts (unofficial), strong writing sample, copy of personal statement, and a list of other activities/relevant experience I had. It was so nice to have everything mostly done so that I could give it time to sit and then re-read later. I also sent all versions of my personal statements to the career services at my university which was a great help and I would definitely recommend. If you don't know your profs very well or they don't know you, now would also be a good time to get into their office hours and just ask questions about class, their interests/experience etc. basically do what you have to to get them to know who you are. Also, for the GRE I would recommend having a general idea of places you want to apply before you take it because you can send it to 4 places free at the time of the test but after that it is $27 per school so that could save you $100 right there.
  13. Thanks for the advice. I was feeling like having 12 credits each semester would be normal, so thanks for confirming! Grad school wasn't madeto be easy after all.
  14. I know for grad school full time is 9 credits, but do most people have more than that each semester? Would having 9 credits and 3 credits of clinc (12 total) seem unreasonable/overwhelming based on your experiences? I want to finish my program in 2 years (I have to take a couple undergrad courses since I'm going to a different university than where I did my undergrad) which would require me to have 12 credits every semester. I suggested this to my graduate advisor and she said I could do it but that I might be overwhelmed. What are your thoughts/experiences? I feel like I could do it based on my motivation and past success, but I don't want to get myself in over my head. Thanks for the help!
  15. Hey! I am wondering if there are any other people out there who have accepted their offer to UNM! I just had all my stuff officially arrive today and I am excited but also nervous since it will be a big change for me coming from Minnesota to New Mexico! I'd love to hear from others who have accepted/where you are from and such. Also, is anyone else doing CLASS? I am (assuming I pass the proficiency exam) and am really excited/would love to meet others who are also interested in being bilingual SLPs.
  16. Demjc- that's awesome! Hopefully it has been a good experience thus far?
  17. I am going to the University of New Mexico! Moving from Minnesota(where I have lived my whole life) Really looking forward to the adventure one of the biggest factors was a bilingual program which UNM has and I was also offered funding there. Since it was already my top choice and is going to cost me almost nothing I had an easy decision!!
  18. I used the website conversationexchange.com to find people to talk with via Skype. I have had a lot of good experiences and great practice. It's a trade off so you would have to be willing to speak to someone else in English so that they could practice as well. I would definitely recommend checking it out if conversation partners are hard to find.
  19. University of New Mexico UNM UNM SLP Master's Class of 2017 Closed group, just request to join! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1540740476202091/
  20. FYI: psu only has to GA positions that include tuition remission and 10 that are paid an hourly rate. Positions aren't awarded until summer
  21. Ok got it. Thanks for the heads up.
  22. Congrats! How do you know no funding was offered? Are you a psu student?
  23. Does portland state send funding decisions along with acceptances or at a later date?
  24. Wow thanks for the advice. I have been accepted to several other places so I will take one of those offers! (Was planning to anyways)
  25. Just remember that no matter where you go, at the end of it all you will be an SLP!
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