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  • Interests
    Game Theory, Political Science, Statistics, Spanish Language, Political Theory, International Studies, North Korea
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    PhD Political Science

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Thank you so much! UVA is my dream school....!
  2. Thanks!! I probably won't be able to. I work full time. I do need to get up there to start looking for somewhere to live, though and to take an "official" campus tour and visit the department. I will definitely be accepting my offer, though. I'll PM you with my email and stuff!
  3. Accepted into UVA off of the wait list in IR!!!!!! Unofficial email from the DGS last night. I'd been in contact with the department and they said they had more than one IR spot to fill, so don't lose hope.
  4. I know they're only taking 10 people, so my hopes aren't exactly sky high, but I can always dream. I live in Virginia and they rejected me as an undergrad so I was dying to go there for grad. But who knows. Congratulations again!
  5. Congratulations! Was it a personal email or a mass looking email? I'm still waiting :/
  6. This made my entire day. R is my favorite thing to hate. And beer is just my favorite thing while I sit and twiddle my thumbs over UVA and their long as hell decision process. Also, don't let the internet trollolols get you down!
  7. That's what it sounds like. Grumble grumble -cracks a beer-
  8. No. I have a friend in the program who said that they will be releasing decisions, most likely, in the next two weeks. But with all of the snow, I'm not holding my breath on that timetable. Other people have said that the decisions are rolling until 4/15, and the last time I was in contact with the department (about 1 month ago) that was the news I got as well. So, here's to hoping!
  9. Still twiddling my thumbs over UVA........
  10. I have a friend in the program who told me that all remaining decisions would go out mid-March (he went to the office and asked today). I'm IR subfield, though. So, not sure the subfields of the announcements already put up.
  11. Yes. But it will be a series of emails from unimportant sources. Like "Notice! You're overdue on your power bill!"
  12. It has been quiet. But the east coast is basically shutting down from weather so I'm sure that's a major factor.
  13. Good luck to everyone in this upcoming week. May the odds (of not being hungover) be ever in your favor!
  14. Thanks! Same luck to you!
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