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  • Interests
    Physician-Patient Hierarchical Relationships, Second Opinion Behavior among Patients in Emerging Economies, Pharmaceutical Sector Development in Africa, Health Sector "Yelpification"
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    (Medical) Anthropology

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  1. Hey Everyone! I will be attending UNC in the fall and I need roommates. I'm currently serving in the US Peace Corps, and do not have stable internet often (I can't Skype either). I won't be able to visit the university or the States before school starts. Anyone interested in roommates, please let me know. I want to live with incoming graduates. Thanks
  2. Rejected at UVA after being waitlisted, but... I am attending the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill! Thanks for the support everyone, congratulations and good luck!
  3. The number of anthropologists doing health services research is growing!
  4. Congratulations annwyn! I'll see you at SFAA!
  5. Ditto to all of that! The perspective on Brown's new school of public health is accurate. When I was a student, public health was just a program out of the school of medicine and didn't become a school until the year after I graduated. It was still one of the best programs in the country and was just as strong as the older more established "schools" of public health as well. Consider this when deciding on whether you should attend Notre Dame or not.
  6. According to Council of Graduate Schools, the April 15 Resolution only applies to offers of financial support, not admission. This means that you can accept your offer on April 16, provided that your offer letter did not contain any funding committments. Since UMinn offered you funding, you must accept or decline by April 15 in lieu of an extension, so disregard the beginning of my previous post, as it was incorrect. Sorry about that. www.cgsnet.org/april-15-resolution Your choice comes down to whether or not you feel UMinn (with funding but little interest in your regional focus) or ND (a new program with funding to come later but the BOSS in your interest area) is better for your career prospects.
  7. Hello! You made it this far with Notre Dame! Assuming you get the acceptance on April 15, you still dont have to decide on MN right away. From what I understand, April 15 is the deadline for sending admissions decisions from all the graduate schools (it's'a consortium of sorts) in the U.S., and that deadline does not mean students must submit offers by that date. How could you make an informed decision when funding might not come until May? Unless UMinn gave you a deadline by which to decide your offer, you can wait a bit. I finished my MPH a few years ago and I'm starting a PhD program in med anthro this fall. From taking med anthro coursework during my public health program (and having no prior anthropology experience), I know that preparation for the coursework was not an issue. Much of the courses in pub hlth (at Brown, the masters and phd students had much of the same courses) were quantitative with most students learning topics for the first time. Don't worry too much about being "behind" your peers at UMinn. Besides, you'll be a beast in your qualitative methods courses. UMinn should have that, and if you need to take some qual coursework in the anthro or sociology depts, I doubt that will be a problem (it's'a shame that you're an outlier for being interested in qualitative research at a public health institution). Notre Dame sounds like you'd'have the opportunity to build something new there, but I understand your hesitation in committing to that sort of undertaking. If you want an academic job, you are right to highly consider program prestige. If you are interested in a non-academic career path, your degree type will correspond to the type of career you want. You can pursue non-academic jobs with a PhD in pub hlth or anthro (NGOs, policy work, foundations, think tanks, news services, domestic and foreign govt, etc). Your training will differ between the two disciplines, but you can strengthen your focus in an area that will suit your intended career path from either discipline. I'm pursuing a non-academic career path with an anthro PhD and I am confident that I can succesfully compete with public health PhD-holders and Anthropology PhD-holders for jobs. It is true that there are traditional "anthropology jobs" and "public health jobs" but the parameters that comprise those traditional job-types do not include many of the non-academic jobs I highlighted earlier. Getting a PhD in anthropology will not hinder you in the job search, especially if it sets you apart from the rest. Congratulations on your acceptances thus far.
  8. That sounds like good news. We're down to 12 days until the 15th, so we won't have to wait too long. Im actually happy to talk to a few more UVA applicants. I havent run into anyone on GC interested in the program. Im still trying to get more information on it. Do you have any?
  9. Neither did I until I saw that posting on the results board asking about it. It's irrelevant, as its April 2 and UVA has decided to go "off the grid" for some ridiculous reason.
  10. To the poster on the results board who asked about UVA: how did you know today was "the deadline?" I'm still waiting on a decision too.
  11. I emailed the professor who interviewed me a few months ago, and he told me that my application had passed several rounds of elimination and that I am under serious consideration. He didn't say when the process would be complete or when the department would issue acceptances. I assume that since you have heard nothing, your application is also still under serious consideration.
  12. Speaking of decisions, is anyone planning on attending UNC Chapel Hill?
  13. Anyone applied to UVA? I've asked this question a few times, but I'm hoping to catch someone who's missed my previous posts.
  14. I just got my decision email from UC Irvine; I didn't make it off the waitlist. My last program is the University of Virginia. MY FINGERS ARE CROSSED!
  15. and then there was one

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