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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Scottsdale AZ
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    Communication and Rhetoric PhD

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  1. And....in an exciting turn of events, UGA just emailed me that they have an assistantship for me. Welp...once I thought I was out of the game they pull me back in.
  2. I think I've decided to stop pursuing a PhD. I did receive a ROOST award at Georgia that will net me in-state tuition. It's something but I don't think it's enough to bank on traversing the country without a job and an infant for.
  3. I don't dislike ASU but its primary focus is interpersonal and health communication. I'm the only person in the accepted cohort that I met that is interested in the same things and also the only ASU alumni. They admitted 20+ people to ASU, only 3 didn't come to the welcome weekend. My advisor says that her experience with critical rhetoricians going through ASU's PhD program is that they are underdeveloped as scholars--which I definitely don't want to be.
  4. On the merits of the program alone, I'd prefer Georgia. I haven't received funding anywhere. The best Georgia has offered to do is apply for an out-of-state tuition waiver for me so that I can have in-state tuition should I get approved. I'm waitlisted at Pittsburgh and UMass, but I'd prefer either of those programs over Georgia. If I get into Pittsburgh, it'll come with funding, I know that for sure. Whether or not I get in is another matter. My advisor says it's not about me and my abilities at this point, but critical rhetorical inquiry does not produce grant monies so no one who studies is likely to get funding. I dunno if that's true, but it seems to be the case. I'm pregnant and due in June, so no funding means no school. I can't work part time/full time and go to school and take care of my family. So I'm probably done with education if none of my acceptances find a way to fund me. I'm more ok with it than I thought I would be.
  5. I wouldn't assume anything until you specifically hear from them. That being said, I got the official rejection from Chapel Hill. Finally! Haha. I have officially heard from all schools.
  6. FWIW, I just checked my SPIRE and it still shows applied.
  7. Wise decision! I was saving for eventual relocation but then life happened so we'll see. If don't take any of my furniture (that's not happening...lol) then it'll be super cheap and easy to move relatively speaking.
  8. Same here... Plus all that expense that goes with relocating. That's incredibly daunting for me despite being admitted locally. I have no idea what I'm going to do yet. I'd hate to accept an offer to a university that's not quite right just because I won't have to relocate.
  9. It's probably not the most popular thing but you can do that. I believe they have to give you feedback if you ask.
  10. Have you emailed? I've had good results with just sending a quick email. I usually get either an acceptance (lol!) or a nice email telling me the status of the adcomm decisions.
  11. There a several, but the main two would be Kelly Happe and Celeste Condit. My advisor knows Celeste so we'll see. As far as ASU, my younger brother is getting married on Friday at a venue that's 2.5 hours without traffic outside of town at 4PM. I'd have to leave no later than 1 from the event and it doesn't even start til 11 IRCC. I'll be leaving work early on Thursday if I go, as well. Decisions, decisions.
  12. Waitlisted at Pittsburgh pending funding. The email says they only accept students they can fund and they are hoping to secure funding for me soon. Sounds good to me!! I talked to my advisor and she doesn't think I should go to ASU, which she's probably right. Very few scholars do the kind of work I'd like to do at ASU, even Hess and Brouwer are a hard fit. She said she'd contact the adcomm at UGA and plead my case for funding...so I have no idea what's happening there. I'm hemming and hawing at whether or not to go to the Welcome Weekend at ASU (which is on a Thurs and Fri, not really a weekend) if I'm thinking that I won't accept their offer. Still waiting on Amherst and UNC. Pretty sure I'm waitlisted at UNC. There's not a lot of historical data on Amherst to suggest when to expect a result.
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