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Everything posted by hopefulslp2b

  1. I agree, there is no such thing as a "safe" school. I got rejected to the schools I thought weren't the most competitive. Just do your research, I used asha's ED find page to look at stats and see if I fit within their ranges and do your SOP for each school, I did a paragraph saying why I wanted to study there and I feel that helped a lot! I didn't do that for the "safety" schools and I feel that hurt me.
  2. PS. school is never a waste of time! you can do other things! Congratulations on your accomplishment, and remember things will fall into place
  3. Amvat, if this is your true passion please do not let anyone tell you that you can't! Please don't give up. I almost gave up my junior year and switched majors into family and child development and while I was in those classes I felt like I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this and I was sad because I didn't think I was good enough to get into graduate school for SLP (because of the constant saying of grad school is impossible to get into), but I decided to go back into the Com. Dis. major and do everything I could to bring my GPA back from a 3.2 to a 3.7 and apply to grad school! and I did it! I am so proud that I pushed myself to go for what I truly wanted and not be my own worst enemy! You prove that person wrong and prove to yourself that you can! Good Luck to you in any direction you choose, just choose what you love and what makes you happy!
  4. Nmsu also offers this. You apply as if applying for grad school as a "leveling student" which means you will complete a year of pre reqs but you won't have to reapply because you are already guaranteed a spot in the program if you finish all all pre reqs with a great of B or higher.
  5. Your percentiles are super good! I think that's a great score. 4 & higher is what they look for
  6. i know ENMU offers summer online classes they might offer it but im not sure but you should check
  7. My professor tells me ranking matters if you are trying to go for PhD but not for emoloyement
  8. Wow you'll have an amazing story for you statement of purpose. I believe passion is big but you also need to back it back with actions such as relevant experience and the number games such as GPA GRE and letters of recommendation! But if this is what you really want please pursue it!
  9. Would it be lame to get one of those rolling backpacks?? iv really don't want to carry all my books and laptop on my back
  10. I thought I was the only one who looked for stuff in garage sales!! Those kids have great stuff!!!! I can't wait to use all this great stuff! it's funny because all slps I know love pens! They even talk about them haha so not sad at all! Just a common SLP trait
  11. I'm getting a laminator! so excited:D
  12. Oh and work on your statement early and really show your passion for the field, what your interests are and what it is about speech that will drive you to be a great grad student
  13. It may seem impossible to get in but have faith! I know it may not sound like actual advice but I drowned in anxiety thinking I wouldn't get in but you'll end up where you need to be. Research schools get good letters and work on your GRE! It all seemed easier when you actually start doing it instead of just thinking about it.
  14. You don't need the GRE for nova
  15. I got into UNL which is top 10% with a 3.7 GPA. However, GPA isn't everything, I had good letters from PhD professors a lot of experience through internship and volunteer, a great statement. Programs will look at you holistically.
  16. Can you retake any classes to boost your GPA? That helped me boost it tremendously! It's worth it
  17. Yea I figured go to the state school and have no financial burden and then get to decide where I want to go and actually enjoy the place. I figured grad school will be taking my time no matter where I am, it's not like I am even going to have time to be exploring this new city new area! So I am happy that I will still be getting the education I need and will not have that financial burden for the next 10 to 20 years! (because you also have to consider interest!) But congratulations to all, whether you accepted your dream school or your instate school
  18. I'm definitely grateful and blessed! And I am happy that another person will be given an opportunity I just hope I didn't sell myself short just because of cost. And yup I choose my instate school because I just didn't want to have the financial burden later. Hopefully I get over it and feel satisfied with my decision. At the end if the regardless we are on our way to becoming SLPs!
  19. Hi all, for those who have accepted, I'm just wondering if you are 100% happy with your final decision? I keep feeling like I had to let go of an amazing opportunity because of cost but I need to stop torturing myself and just be happy! so anyone else?
  20. Yay! everyone has worked so hard and now its finally paying off. And I agree for those who are still waiting, please don't give up! I almost gave up once but decided this is what I really wanted to do and I finally did it!
  21. @ bettercallsaul I think you make a good point. I think I am choosing my instate school there are many opportunities here too! Glad to hear you have so many things you like about your future Program! But you're right the goal right now is become an SLP who knows grad school might not make me want to go for a PhD and I will have much less debt so that is great!
  22. Start on your statement asap. I was freaking out towards the end because I feel like I didn't have enough time to edit and tailor to each school, I commute also. But in the end I somehow managed bit start writing a draft and edit edit edit
  23. I didn't really like the other universities in my state. And yes I applied to UNL since the professors expertise really aligned with my interests and they have great research and labs you can participate in, but even with assistant ships it will still be more expensive than my instate school. I didn't really receive any funding so there is no guarantee I can still get any. And I don't know about that one year residency thing I haven't really thought to ask but it is a good question! But I have no idea if I will be pursuing my PhD it was just an idea so that is kind of making me lean towards the in state school, if you want your PhD it is better to go to the better school even though it is pricier, , my professor said that once you reach the PhD level you will/can get guaranteed funding. But good luck with your decision I definitely understand it is very important to weigh all the pros and cons of each option you have.
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