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Everything posted by hopefulslp2b

  1. I am in the same situation! I keep going over and over to make sure I'm making the right decision. I'm debating between my instate undergrad Program vs nebraska which is a great research Program and offer much more opportunities! I'm also so torn but it sucks because I'm terrified of the amount of loans I would also need because of out of state tuition. I mean I'm not a 100% sure I would go for a PhD but I wouldn't rule it out and would like to have that option. My professor said attending a very good Program like that would make me a great candidate for PhD programs and it wouldn't be as hard to get into a Program. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this issue :/ it is such a hard choice!
  2. The Grad program I've chosen has both. Some classes are quarters and others are all semester long
  3. From my experience I did a little bit of both. I completed an internship at an early intervention agency 250 hours, then volunteered and shadowed at a couple of different clinics 50 hours.
  4. They sent another email today stating that They would resend it tonight and that they had problems yesterday
  5. I don't think they sent it. I didn't get mine either
  6. I'm having the same issue!
  7. I've also been thinking about this. so many things to consider when choosing a program! but ultimately I think you need to choose the program that will meet your needs/goals. Good Luck!
  8. I agree. the education is the same at the end of the day.
  9. The best person to contact would be Jill England, you can find her information on ASHA's EdFind website. She is very helpful, however you might not have heard back because I am assuming they are extremely busy right now trying to determine what students will accept/decline and trying to figure out their cohort.
  10. Ah I'm in the same boat. I'm torn between going to Nebraska because it's a great Program but no grantee of funding so I would need a lot of money in loans since it's out of state. Then I just found out I got in to my in state school which I could get my masters for a steal compared to leaving out of town! But I did want to experience new people places but I'm not sure if I'm willing to overpay for it
  11. I think since this is their first time using CSDCAS they were willing to look past the verifying? I'm not sure. I didn't think they would contact me because of it. But either way I won't be attending here
  12. No don't mind at all. They sent an Email
  13. Hey guys so I decided UTEP decided to look past the verification date (since mine was verified late) and told me to participate in their next phase but I don't know if I will.
  14. What I did was look at both numbers and then compared them to the stats on the websites such as those stats you find completion rates, praxis rates and employment after graduation. I figured the number on that would be the number of the total number of students in the program.
  15. Same here instead of focusing on my school work and exams I've been busy trying to research where I'll live and how to move and also busy planning my graduation party . I'm so excited but we should definitely finish strong!! I'm just happy that I'm not stressing about getting in or not!
  16. Yes, I believe I will accept here. It is also ranked 10% in the nation! BIG PLUS I think it is a good thing you look for schools where you are able to strengthen your areas of interest. I feel that helped me a lot in writing my statement and that made it stronger. You are right, I myself am having trouble finding the "core" classes. I'm sure they cover everything we need according to ASHA's standards though so I'm not too worried! and they have so many electives! I'm excited about that.
  17. UNL's program has a lot to offer. I applied here because the professors expertise really aligned with my interests (such as early intervention, AAC, autism, working with infants and families). Overall, the are very well-rounded, they offer many research opportunities in many different areas so I feel like this program can really help me be a very well-rounded SLP They also focus on TBI, oral plastics, reading disabilities, and accent reduction. There is a lot going on! I would recommend you look through their SLP program website so you can get a feel for the school and you can look up professor's bios too
  18. Hi there I got accepted here too and there was no information about funding with the acctance letter. This was one of my top choices since they have a bilingual program so I have to decide if I have to go or not and I have two weeks to accept or deny the offer.
  19. Def. look into programs who look at last 60 credit hours! You can also address the way you changed your major in your statement, I kinda did the same thing and talked about how Speech Path was just so much better for me and how I felt much more passionate about this field. You have great experience and the letters are so important. GPA isn't everything, so make sure you ace those GRE scores too, to help you. Look for programs that look at you holistically.
  20. Congrats Jen! that is awesome. well deserved! I'm also from NM, but didn't apply to UNM but I'm glad that you kept fighting for your dream to become an SLP!
  21. Hi everyone! I'm hoping to connect to others who have been accepted at UNL! I'm so excited to have been accepted here, it is such a solid program! Will any of you accept here? Go to the open house? I'm thinking I will attend the open house on April 10! I really want to meet the professors and tour the campus, labs, and clinics!
  22. Thank you so much! I'm so happy and excited. Just overjoyed Can't believe I got into a program that is ranked 10% in the nation. I'm shocked!
  23. I finally got my first acceptance to Nebraska-Lincoln!! I'm so happy, excited and relieved! I'm going to graduate school!!!!!!! Hopefully you all too will start getting some good news!!
  24. @nolewife Well thanks for the encouragement! I really appreciate it that! I applied to NOVA because I heard they accept almost everyone! So I am hoping this can be my backup school if there is such thing in this field!!
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