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Everything posted by slpwest

  1. Thanks so much for letting me know! Good luck
  2. I think you should go to the one you think will give you the best clinical training. If there are specific things you like about the TC program, like research that's being done there, their multicultural focus, bilingual program...etc. then it's not just about the name, it's about an investment in yourself. You can always earn money to pay off the loans but you can't get back the two years master's education experience. Good luck with your decision!
  3. Thank you so much! Have they accepted you off the wait list?
  4. I see some people said they've received a rejection and some said they were accepted but I still haven't heard anything. Anyone else in the same boat? I'm afraid to put a deposit down on my #2 choice without knowing but at this late in the game, I can't tell if there's any hope left or if they're just stringing us along....
  5. They're having their admitted student weekend tomorrow. They will have sessions where you can speak with current masters students. I called financial aid and they said if i was to get a scholarship, it would have been awarded by early April.
  6. There are a lot of people in this year's program now that commute from Long Island. It's definitely doable if you want to save money but if you can afford housing around there, that could save you a lot of time you could put towards studying or sleeping! When did you hear back from them? I had an interview last month but still haven't heard if I've been accepted or rejected. I'm curious if they've notified all the accepted students by now.
  7. Montclair State University and Kean University are in NJ and about $20-$23,000 for out-of-state
  8. St. John's University and CUNY Lehman offer spring admissions. Good luck.
  9. QC only takes 16 students so they tout themselves as the only program in the ny area that provides as much 1:1 clinical supervision in their school clinic. The clinician observes you in the room with you instead of through an observation window or video stream like most other schools. All the graduate classes are held in one room within the clinic. Have you been accepted to QC this year?
  10. I'm keeping my spot on the list for now. I also haven't heard from all the schools yet and still have an interview for one school next week so all is still up in the air with me too lol. Good luck to you!
  11. Sorry! I was wait listed too...
  12. I guess I'm going to go to their admitted students day and hope that will help me make a decision.
  13. I saw some people post that they've been accepted to Queens College. Does anyone know if Queens College has called all the accepted people already?
  14. How did your interview go? I have an interview with NYMC tomorrow. What kind of questions do they ask?
  15. I'm curious about these schools too!
  16. SUNY Oswego has a 3 credit online Chemistry class.
  17. Does anyone know anyone who has done the NYC DOE Scholarship? Did they have a good experience with the program? Do we get to chose which "high-need" school we work in or could they assign you to a school that's a 2-hour commute from where you live? Also does anyone know if we can participate in this for only one year instead of both years of graduate school? (that way we only have to commit working for 2 years instead of 4) http://www.teachnycprograms.net/getpage.php?page_id=59
  18. Does anyone know any more details about the TEACH NYC scholarship? Do we get to chose which "high-need" school we work in or could they assign you to a school that's a 2-hour commute from where you live? Also does anyone know if we can participate in this for only one year instead of both years of graduate school? (that way we only have to commit working for 2 years instead of 4) I couldn't find these answers on their website. http://www.teachnycprograms.net/getpage.php?page_id=59
  19. QC is still doing interview through next week. Don't know anything about Hunter!
  20. they ask what population you want to work with and why. have an answer for how research impacts clinic treatments. know some bullets from the asha code of ethics. i don't know if they ask everyone the same questions but they asked our group to name a code of ethics. good luck!
  21. Yes, it's a group interview (3 students) and they do ask some questions about speech. It's short, only 20 minutes or so and the professor was very nice. No writing assessment.
  22. I have my interview next week too. Thanks so much for posting your experience!!
  23. I'm a senior applying to grad schools now and my advisor said LIU Posts' program is not very good. She told me that if that's the only school i get accepted to, then to take it but if i have choices, that should be at the bottom of my list. She didn't specify why it's not a strong program. But hey, that's just one professor's opinion so take that for what it's worth. Hope that helps!
  24. What kind of questions did NYMC and Queens ask?
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