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  1. Does it start with an introduction, lit review, and then what esle? Is there an online resource that I can read over? Thank you!
  2. Why ask for an electronic copy (and later asking if I kept a print copy too) when I was already responsible and handed in the first copy on the due date? Makes no sense. K thx bai
  3. As mentioned in my previous post, the prof's latest email was literally "according to university policy students need to keep copies of their work. Do you have a print copy?". So I told him yes, and never heard from him again. If he wanted another copy, he should have told me to email, mail, drop off in-person or something. I'm going to bring another copy to class just in case, and see if he asks me then.
  4. No, the prof asked "do you have a print copy", not "can you give me another copy". And no, I'm not going for a job in academia.
  5. Why? The prof did not reply to my email after I said I have an extra print copy. "Keep it simple"
  6. ^ Well I do have another print copy.....but I'm not going to retype it since the prof has the paper already. Hopefully he did not lose it....
  7. ^ it has happened to me before, so I'm extra careful. Interesting feedback everyone, thanks
  8. I was working on the assignment before class at school so didn't save. Also, I think it's weird that he asked if I have a print copy even though I already gave it to him prior to his electronic request.
  9. So I told the prof that I didn't save the latest version of my assignment (but I did already handed in the hard copy of the assignment prior to his request for an electronic). The prof replied back with "according to university policy students need to keep copies of their work. Do you have a print copy?". Why would the prof change the topic? It seems as if he is trying to catch any mistake?
  10. I have two profs so far who requested for electronic copy of my paper on two different occasions because my paper was "left at work". The course outlines did not even say we have to email the paper. Why do profs do this? Do they think my paper is too great or something? And is this common?
  11. So my writing is still not polished enough at the graduate level. :/ Could you recommend some resource(s) to help in writing process of a research paper?
  12. Hi everyone, this is the profs reply to my request to meet: "At this point I would suggest you write your proposal based on the last project description that you submitted yesterday. Keep in mind that you are not undertaking this study to determine preschoolers' definition of group time but rather gathering data related to their views on this activity". Does this mean it is ok now?
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