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    2015 Fall

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  1. I am now freed from the need to incessantly check my email. This is nirvana, folks.
  2. I really didn't think this was going to happen, but I received notification of principal status for my ETA to Bulgaria. Wow.
  3. I had a dream where, despite applying for an ETA, I got sent on a research/study to Bulgaria, and then suddenly my primary objective became raising an army and reuniting the kingdom of Croatia. I woke up and thought, "Wtf?" I've been playing too much Crusader Kings II...
  4. Often times, for people who have applied to multiple programs, they receive a time-sensitive offer for another program before they hear if they are accepted at all into the Fulbright. So they sometimes go with the certain offer rather than the uncertain, future offer from Fulbright, thus leading them to withdraw later when they receive an acceptance notification. So, basically, there is hope.
  5. Perhaps the first time I've seen someone so excited about a Monday.
  6. I would think that the office is only open M-F, but hey, why let that stop you from freaking out?
  7. I'm wondering if any more will be sent out over the few remaining working hours.
  8. There's our good news! Hip hip hooray!
  9. It's quite possible that notifications for some countries have gone out, but we just don't have any recipients for those countries that participate in this thread.
  10. There's a "video game" (somewhat problematic to classify it as a game, but that's the best phrase I can think of) called Influent where you're put into an apartment and all the objects are labelled in a language of your choice, with something like 400+ words, including some adjectives and verbs. You make vocabulary lists and do little tests to master the vocabulary.
  11. This is incredibly helpful, at the very least for those applying to Russia. Of course, I'm applying elsewhere, so I'll return now to just rocking myself back and forth in the corner, stopping only to refresh my email...
  12. Thanks!
  13. I'm curious as to this also. Alternatively, would they put alternate or NS status in the title as well?
  14. You're calling them false, meanwhile I've got a shrine set up with incense...
  15. . . . I have been doing the exact same thing! I'm personally hoping they don't reveal the status of my application right in the email's subject line; I'd like to see that I got an email from the Fulbright, and then take some time to put myself in a serene mental state before I read it.
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