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Everything posted by jose

  1. I wouldn't call unless you were really close with a contact there. I can't imagine how annoyed they must get with people constantly inquiring. That being said, if you call you might get an answer, so it's up to you.
  2. I think it varies a lot between different schools, departments and programs (you're probably more likely to get funding for a Ph.D. than a masters), but from my experience they will usually tell you if you're being offered any sort of scholarship, TA-ship, fellowship etc. when they send the admissions letter. But again, it probably varies a lot. Sometimes there is a separate application if you want to be considered for fellowships - not all schools have them, but many do. Did you fill those out? And, if you've been accepted, I would definitely ask about funding opportunities. I don't really know anything about Library and Information Sciences - is this typically a degree where you'll receive help?
  3. The time difference always keeps me anxious through the early hours of the night - there's always that twinge of hope that they're staying late and they might actually email you at midnight after some heated adcom meeting. Either way, if they email you tonight or not, sounds like you're having a good time. Enjoy!
  4. Haha, that's a relief! I had similar experience just yesterday - I checked my mail and saw an email from one of my top choices (also the school I attended as an undergrad) - the subject line said something like "Latino fellowship blabla" and I immediately got really excited thinking I had gotten in with a fellowship. I opened it and saw it was just a usual generic email from the school's latino alumni organization (I've been getting them every few months for years) outlining a bunch of different fellowship and grant options for various projects. Kind of a bummer that it wasn't an acceptance, but at least there's still hope. Quite a rollercoaster of emotions, to say the least!
  5. Not sure about BME, but I got in for music composition, and there really isn't much help for tuition. They may be able to help you get a fellowship or something where you would only pay in-state tuition, but even then it's expensive. Did they mention any TA-ship or stipend? You should call and ask for the details, these kinds of things can make it or break it. Good luck!
  6. This situation isn't looking good. Looks like we did indeed pick the worst possible year to apply to grad school. I was so caught up researching professors that I totally overlooked the economic situation - 3 of my 7 applications are to UC schools. Damn!
  7. jose

    25% TA-ship?

    Thanks, nutmeg. I'm going to chase down the details - they mentioned a small (very modest) stipend, so hopefully that isn't the entire "salary" for the TA-ship.
  8. I hadn't even seen that line on the document! If you're accepted, I think Columbia would contact you before updating the document - it's such a small school (I think most departments admit only a few grad students each year) that the professors would probably contact you pretty soon, before the administrators got around to updating it. If you're rejected you might find out online before you're contacted... just thinking out loud, here. Best course of action: don't even check it, just wait for the email or the call.
  9. jose

    25% TA-ship?

    Great, thanks for your response! I was a bit confused about the terminology - it makes much more sense now.
  10. jose

    25% TA-ship?

    Hello people, I'm new here and have been scouring the forums for info on this, but have yet to find anything. I've recently been offered admission to a program that includes a "25% TA-ship" . . . I was wondering what exactly this means? Does the TA-ship cover 25% of tuition costs? I will ask the university, but was hoping to get some info here if possible. Thanks!
  11. Not really sure why I regretted it - I'm usually never on fb, so it felt a bit self-indulgent to just come out of nowhere bragging about getting accepted. I guess it's just the nature of my facebooking style, I'm more low-key than most people.
  12. I got rejected across the board last year, and I also moved in with the parents, worked part-time and just focused really hard on my apps for this year. It worked out pretty well... I guess the problem is that it's like being in limbo, and if you get rejected again it's a real bummer to continue that kind of lifestyle for more than a year.
  13. Yeah I actually posted my first acceptance on fb, but I kind of regretted it immediately afterwards, so I probably won't do it anymore. If anything, the appearance of an extra network in the fall (hopefully one's top choice!) is probably the least abrasive way of actually letting everyone know where you're going, not necessarily where you've been accepted.
  14. Thanks, Timothy. I went to Columbia as an undergraduate (2007, BA in music), and I don't currently have a masters. I actually applied to Princeton, NYU and Duke last year and got rejected from all three of them, so I've been really beefing up my portfolio for this year. You can hear my portfolio at gabrielbolanos.com/music - the pieces I used this year are Vocal Study #2, Mako and the Ouroboros Miniatures. I listened to your music, it's really great stuff! Makes me wish I had a proper ensemble piece
  15. Amazing! I never thought I'd find a proper music composition thread on here... a lot of great advice on this thread, I wish I had found it earlier. Alas, I guess I'll add my two cents. I applied for the phd in composition to Columbia, Harvard, UC Berkely, McGill, UC Davis, UC San Diego and for the MA in Stony Brook. My biggest issues were getting the letters of recommendation in on time, but it seems to have worked out - I just got offers from Davis and Stony Brook. Still waiting to hear back from the rest. I was wondering, since most people here are applying to similarly competitive programs, what do you guys think between Davis and Stony Brook? Any preferences? I'd be really grateful for any input.. Anyway, best of luck to everyone! I'd be happy to share my portfolio or any other info with anyone who is curious Jose
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