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Posts posted by Boomshahkolaka

  1. Hey! I'm also waiting on Jordan (and slowly getting grey hairs from stressing myself out every time I check my email). They can't take too much longer, right? Right?! :/


    I mean, even if they still are unsure of the security situation they have to tell us by mid-May?...hopefully? 


    We just have to try to be as patient as possible, Em101. We'll make it!

  2. I suppose a selfie of me quietly weeping over the Fulbright logo wouldn't be too helpful, would it? 


    Hahaha, hang in there! From what I've heard from "insiders" we haven't heard back because they're still assessing the security situation. But, if I may rant for a moment, they already granted the CLS scholarships for this summer which include 3 sites in Jordan, including a new site at the University of Madaba. So, basically, what I'm trying to say is -- "Can I have it?"



  3. I read the forum and saw that Kenya was cancelled for security issues. Then last night I had a bad dream that Jordan was cancelled for the same reason.


    What do you think are the chances that less-secure Middle East countries (i.e. not Morocco or Israel)  are holding out to gauge the current security situation? I know that the Jordanian military is strong and its borders are relatively secure, but with its borders on Syria and Iraq it does pose a liability. Further, those still waiting on Gulf countries, could decisions be swayed by everything going on with Saudi airstrikes in Yemen?


    Does anyone have ideas that might put these fears to rest?


    Hey Jadesg1 - I called the IIE office in NY in mid-March asking about whether Fulbright would continue in Jordan after Peace Corp pulled volunteers out. From what Jermaine Jones told me, they weren't planning on cancelling the program and were encouraging the 2016/2017 cycle to apply. I hope that gives you some comfort. I was definitely freaking out in March after the peace corp incident. We'll be all right. I have hope that it'll come through :) 

  4. Boomshahkolaka,

    Have you lived in the MidEast/North Africa before? I found that my family was really, really anxious initially but after I'd actually gained some experience they'd calmed down a bit! Curious if you've had a similar experience. 


    Jadesg1 - I haven't lived in the Middle East before but I've certainly visit. And my family is Iranian so the Middle East is not a scary/far-off place :)

  5. Don't worry, y'all. It'll come! Mine was so out of the blue! Fulbright, what are you doing to us?!


    On another note, how are your families feeling regarding possibly moving to Jordan? With the whole ISIS situation, my parents really don't want me in Turkey, and it's relatively safe compared to some others. Just curious....


    I haven't been able to stop talking/stressing about Fulbright since the summer so I've definitely massaged my family into being okay with it. I also just told my family that if Fulbright didn't come through I was moving to Jordan to do my project anyway. So they know I'm pretty serious about it.

  6. Lol are we the same person? I'm also working on planning an event for my organization. I'm not accomplishing anything. I'm supposed to be finding wine right now for the event but I just wanna find wine for myself.


    Haha, we are certainly on the same boat! Costco has great deals on wine. So much cheaper than buying it from a vendor.

  7. ME EITHER. I can't focus on anything. 


    You would think planning/hosting a work event for 100+ people next week would take my mind off of Fulbright but nope. Here I am, refreshing my inbox and this forum simultaneously.

  8. Hi everybody! I just found this group a few days ago and I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one freaking out! My friends and family are tired of hearing me talk/stress about Fulbright on a daily basis but it seems like everyone here get it!! I'm stress-refreshing my inbox like there's no tomorrow!

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