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    ECED M.A.T.

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  1. Hi Arthasdk! Thanks so much for your reply! That gave me a lot more confidence. Best of luck as you complete your program!
  2. So, I am not sure how unique of a situation I'm in, but I thought I'd see if anyone had similar experience. This fall, I will be beginning my Masters in Early Childhood Education. Instead of student teaching, my program requires that all students work full time in the (elementary) classroom while taking classes in the evening (two nights a week for 5 hours each evening). I will be working as an assistant third grade teacher. Obviously this is a great opportunity because I have a salary and benefits (no loans for grad school) and I can directly apply what I am learning to my job, but I'm still a little panicky. I think that the main reason that this seems overwhelming to me is that I am just graduating undergrad (in two weeks, yay!). I've been working part time for the last four years, but that's not quite the same. I begin my assistant teaching job the day after I finish undergrad classes. I begin my M.A.T. a month after that. It's all really fast. Anyway, has anyone done something similar? How did you balance working 40 hours a week + classes + not completely isolating yourself in a cocoon of work? Thanks!
  3. Thanks, everyone! Unfortunately, there is no summer graduation ceremony so I will be getting the diploma even later than the transcript, but I will definitely be investigating the letter option!
  4. So I wasn't sure which subforum to put this under, but figured this was as good as any. I am graduating from my undergraduate institution 3 weeks before I begin my graduate classes. My undergraduate transcript will not be ready until one week before classes begin. I have talked to both my graduate advisor and the registrar at my graduate institution, and have been given conflicting answers as to how this will affect my registration for classes and the receipt of my financial aid. I have spoken to my undergrad registrar as well, and (as assumed) there is nothing they can do to get my that transcript earlier. I am technically not officially admitted until they have these final transcripts with a commencement date listed, and I am worried about, especially, not receiving my aid in time to pay tuition and fees. Has anyone been in this sort of situation before? How did it affect your registration and aid? Thanks!
  5. Ugh, admissions said 4-6 weeks, at week 5 now and nothing. A friend applying to a different department (secondary versus ece) both in the College of Ed. heard back in 8 days with an acceptance. So concerned.
  6. Here's the deal, everyone on this forum has given you the same advice, but you are still reluctant to take it. I think that there are some other issues here than you just worrying about A badmouthing you to B (e.g. you've said something to A that you really regret and are afraid that it will come back to or you really want to stay close to family and S.O. and are worried about how that looks, etc.) I don't mean that you have to disclose the entire of your personal life to internet strangers, but for some reason, you are not able to digest the advice you sought. I completely agree with the advice to speak with one of your letter writers. Go to someone who knows more about your personal life, personality, and the situation and then really consider what they said AND what you WANTED to hear. Good luck.
  7. Second post in a row, sorry! I'm new here and full of questions. I have applied to an Early Childhood M.A.T. program. State school, but fantastic program from everything I've heard. Anyhow, should I be expecting (if I am accepted) some sort of funding/tuition waiver? The program requires that I be working full time in the classroom (which I will be), so no TAing or work study will be coming for sure. I just figured I would be expected to pay all of the tuition myself (minus a possible TEACH grant), but, after reading through these forums, that doesn't seem to be the case for everyone. Anyone have any clarification? Thanks!
  8. Has anyone applied for this program (in early childhood)? It has a late deadline (April 1st), and I know that my application has been sent to the department for review, but I am wondering what kind of decision timeline I can expect (considering we're only a few months out from the program start date at this point!) Thanks
  9. Thanks, brown_eyed_girl! Just took care of that.
  10. Yes, I am wondering this too! I know that my application (which was due April 1st) is at the department for review, but two months seems a long time considering that I will need to fill out FAFSA before that deadline hits. I'm applying to a different university (but in teaching as well), so please post here if you are able to gather more info! My searches have, unfortunately, yielded nothing.
  11. Thanks, y'all!
  12. once your application is sent to the department for review? I submitted my app for a Master of Arts in Teaching two weeks ago and my file was complete within one day. I received an email yesterday that my application has been sent to the department with which I am applying for review and an admissions decision. Any ideas on how long I should plan to wait for a decision either way? There is no interview with this school.
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